Friday, September 18, 2009

Inactivity and Forums

Okay, I admit.  My blog...this blog...doesn't have many viewers at all.  In fact, I don't even think anyone's reading this right now.  But yeah.

Inactivity is a burden for anyone creating a webpage, forum, blog, etc.  You feel this emptiness that you can't heal or help right away.  An emptiness so empty that you could put this balloon in this humongous room and still the room would be......OK, I'm getting stupidly off-topic.  Balloons?  Seriously, what was I thinking?  0_0

Most people give up their websites.  Most people admit they're losers and continue on with their lives.  Most people are stupid.  But I'm not like that.

Hey, all you Tamagotchi fans out there, you might have heard about a forum named TAMAGOTCHI COOL.  It's on the official Tamagotchi SHOULD know it.  >.>  Anyways, I own that forum.  It started out small and pitiful, a forum of 10 posts and 2 members.  I almost felt like giving up after 2 months of complete inactivity.  But soon after that, people started coming to my forum.  I started getting more members and posts....before I knew it, Tamagotchi Cool was a forum with 2000+ posts and 100+ members.

I was happy, and I loved my forum, even if it was made by Invisonfree and not coded by myself.  But it just didn't last.  My beloved forum of all my hard work got deleted before my eyes (for no apparent reason...I still don't know why).  I cried for 2 months.  But crying wouldn't help.  So after much pondering and planning, I made a new Tamagotchi Cool...the present Tamagotchi Cool with tens of hundreds of THOUSANDS of posts and a darn lot of members too, to top it off.  And even though I don't really go on it much anymore (school <.<), I still have some active members who still support me and my site....It's been three years since the deletion...(Click here to see the Youtube video I made for the 3-year b-day party.)

Tamagotchi Cool is an outcome of hard work and determination.  But still not enough hard work and determination.  If I had worked even HARDER, TC could be like TamaTalk right now.  But oh well, it's too late.  So I'm gonna work REALLY HARD to get viewers for this blog.  *feels the fire*

What I'm saying is that you should NEVER close down a website or forum just because it's inactive.  You WILL get viewers.  You just need to be patient and a good advertiser.  It's the same in life.  Work hard and do not give up.  It will all pay off one day.

And what I just told you is only one example out of millions and billions....

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

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