Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Moody Cloud Episode 1 Part 1

Hi there!  This is the animation that I've been working on these weeks...

Yes, there is no audio.  See my Youtube description to understand why, since I hate explaining things.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Princess and the Pea Chapter 13

A short chapter this week.

Chapter 13:
Marilynn went over the details of her plan, trying to go as slow as possible. After, she took a deep breath, and waited for her audience’s reaction.
“Well?” She asked.
Prince Samson blinked. Queen Sandra grimaced. King Henry looked rather confused. Samson was the first to speak. “Are you sure it’ll work?”
Marilynn frowned at him. “You don’t like my idea?”
“No, dear,” King Henry said. “It’s quite complicated, don’t you think? How will it commence? What if something goes wrong? There are so many questions.”
“Yes, Marilynn, your father is right. It’s far too risky.” Queen Sandra sighed.
Marilynn was silent for a moment, and then suddenly shouted. “Would you rather our kingdoms be vanquished then?”
Her parents were shocked at her tone, but they understood what she said. “No…”
Prince Samson nodded. “We have to try, since no one else has any better idea. The princess’s plan might actually work. It’s worth it.”
Marilynn looked up at him. “You really think so?”
Prince Samson nodded again. “If we fail, at least it would be for a good cause. But if we just sit here and watch our kingdoms collapse under…” He grimaced, as if he didn’t want to say the name. “…Under that witch Helen Crosby, how could we call ourselves the royalty? The royalty is supposed to protect the villagers, right? So we must try.”
King Henry and Queen Sandra slowly nodded. “Fine, then. Marilynn, would you please go over the plan again?” Sandra smiled.
Marilynn smiled back. “Yes, mother. Now, are you all ready?”

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Merry Christmas! (CS 13)

This isn't even really a comic strip, but it has words and pictures, so I guess it counts.

Merry Christmas to all yesterday!

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Eliza's Dollhouse

As you all know, Christmastime is approaching.  The usual would probably just go to the mall to BUY their families gifts, but not me.  I'm gonna MAKE my family their gifts.

Number one on my list is Mom.  I wrote her a poem.  ^_^

Number two is definitely my little two-and-a-half years old sister Elizabeth.  I spent my morning and two hours of my afternoon making her a dollhouse out of cardboard.

The outside looks horribly tacky, I know, but I didn't want to waste any time or paper trying to cover up Safety 1st's commercialism.  (LOL, I used Eliza's potty cardboard...)

I spent slightly more time on the inside.  I actually covered up the walls and even added some furniture to finish the whole "blue here, blue there...blue hearts" look.

Well, all I can say is that I really hope my sister likes it.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Failed Animation Number 1

I was working on an animated video thing....But this animation failed.  :(

Sad, sad....

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Copyrighted to me.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Comic Strip Number 12

Everyday, my little sister watches Dora the Explorer.  (Doodoodoo Dora...Doodoodoodoodoo Dora...)  At first, it was okay, since Dora was my fave cartoon when I was a little twerp too.  But oh, hearing those annoying themesongs over and over and over....again EVERYDAY was bound to tick me off one day.

Yeah.  Anyways, here's a comic I made to relieve that stress.

IN YOUR FACE, BOOTS!  Dora will never truly love you!!!  MUWAHAHAHAHA!

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

BTW, you can only understand this if you know what Go, Diego, Go is.  ^_^

Princess and The Pea Chapter 12

One two three......Twelve.

Chapter 12:

Marilynn’s father King William groaned. “They got you too,” he muttered.
Queen Sandra had just about the same reaction. “Oh, now we’re all here together, hmm, dear?”
Marilynn couldn’t stop crying. “Mother…Father…” She moaned between sobs.
Prince Samson gritted his teeth together. He felt the emotion rising from his new company, but he knew that it was all useless. He felt their grief and wanted to comfort them, but he knew what he had to do. Let them be, he told himself. Just cut your ropes off.
Prince Samson rubbed the ropes on his hands to the nail on the wall, grunting as it refused to tear. Finally, with one hard push of force, he felt his ropes loosen. He could move his hands again.
Prince Samson removed his hand ropes from his body and tore off his foot ropes. Ouch, he thought as the hard rope scraped across his skin. That hurt.
Marilynn finally stopped crying and looked up at the prince, forcing a smile. “Oh, you got your ropes off. See? I told you it would work.” Then she followed his lead and soon, she was free too. She also dismantled her parents’ ropes in the meantime. Prince Samson frowned. She was so strong.
Once they were all free, they started brainstorming. “We must get out of here!” King William protested. “Our kingdoms are in danger!”
“Yes, yes! We must!” Queen Sandra nodded in consensus.
Prince Samson looked up at Marilynn’s parents, amazed by how alike they were to her. Both the king and the queen had Marilynn’s carroty hair, green eyes, and pale skin. Their voices were equally refined yet somehow cheeky at the same time. He didn’t know what to say.
Marilynn turned to Samson. “Well?” She asked. “What now?”
“What, am I supposed to decide or something?”
“Well, you’re the prince here. You should know Helen’s intentions the best, for she always wanted your kingdom, hmm?” Marilynn smiled at him.
“But…I…Don’t know…”
Marilynn rolled her eyes. “I was kind of expecting that, you see. I’ve already thought of a master plan that will definitely work.”
“You have?” Prince Samson was shocked.
“Well done!” King William was pleased.
“Oh, please, Marilynn. Just tell us already.” Queen Sandra was impatient. She clicked her fingers.
“Alright, then, mother, father…Prince Samson…” Marilynn looked around at her small audience. “Get ready for Operation Marilynn.”

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Slave For A Day

It's amazing what teachers can come up with to motivate children.  It's just amazing.

Recently, we had a charity at our school.  To encourage us to donate cans, etc, our teacher came up with a contest, entitled "Slave For A Day".

The teacher split us up into two groups...Boys vs girls.  The contest was to see which group could bring in more cans.  At the end, the losing team had to be the winning team's "slave" or rather, "servant" for the day.  Fair.

And heck, did that get us motivated or what!  Donations started rolling in quicker than a boulder falling off a cliff at 120 miles per hour.  People became more generous than ever.  One of my classmates even brought in a garbage bag full of toys and clothes!  Amazing.  In total, my class brought in 400+ cans.

Sadly, we, the girls, lost.  So today, we became the guys' Slaves For A Day.  You could say I was lucky, for I missed the entire morning in class today since I had to do my Harmony examination.  ^_^

When I came back from my exam, one of my friends came and told me about all the stupid things her assigned 'master' made her do.  I mean, what the heck?  Pushing him to French class on his chair?  Microwaving his lunch when he didn't even need his lunch to be microwaved?  Etc.

My other classmates didn't exactly enjoy themselves either.  One particularly unhappy classmate had to wear an apron....You get the point.

My afternoon was okay, I guess.  My assigned 'master' kept on threatening me with comments such as "you are gonna seriously suffer", but he was actually quite nice.  ^_^

Slave for a day, slave for a day.  Such a stupid idea.  Yet it does motivate us children, so I believe it's not really all that immoral...?

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

P.S.  I pay my respects to all the people out there whose ancestors had to suffer through slavery.  God pray for them.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Vociferously yours?

Vociferous.  The best word in the world of words.  Well, at least to me.

I still remember when I first decided to make a blog.  I wanted it to have a V-V kind of name that would describe me.  I wanted it to be V(something) Vicky.  So I grabbed my trusty Oxford Dictionary for Advanced Learners and started searching for V adjectives.

I found a whole darn lot of negative things.  "Volatile", "vicious," "vile"...Those words were everywhere.  Ugh, I was starting to believe that I would never find a good V word.

"Vital", "venerable", "veracious", "vivacious", and such were some good positive words I found.  Vital sounded cheesy, venerable made me sound arrogant, veracious was just stupid, and vivacious was well, me yet not so me.  Not that I could explain.

Finally, like a beautiful gift wrapped up in splendid wrapping paper with an expensive bow on top...(Sorry, Christmastime is approaching), I found vociferous.  Vociferous, vociferous, oh, how lovely it sounded to me.  And its meaning suited me too:  "expressing one's opinion in a loud, confident way".  I'm like that.  It drives people nuts and makes people mad but yeah, I'm like that.  So I confidently made myself a blog:  Vociferousvicky.blogspot.com.  I started posting things, and I started to get visitors.

Recently though, I found out something:  Not all dictionaries give 'vociferous' such a positive meaning!  Some dictionaries suggest that vociferous people are loud and vehement.  Dictionary.com even says that vociferous people cry out loud noisily and are clamorous!  The nerve!

So now I'm thinking, should I have named this blog 'Vociferous Vicky'?  Should I have put "Vociferous yours, Vicky" at the end of basically all my blog entries?  Should I have listened to my most favored dictionary in the entire world without trying others?  Questions, questions, and more questions.

But I must admit, despite the negativity in the word...I am vociferous.  I am loud, vehement, and clamorous.  I do express my opinion with confidence and sureness.  But what are you going to do about it?

So I'm still going to put "Vociferously yours, Vicky" at the end of this blog entry, as well as many more that will come.  So I'm still going to stare at my blog's title with pride and happiness.  So I'm still going to run this blog as a vociferous fanatic.  HA!

Okay.  I'm done speaking.  I pledge the fifth.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.  <--(So there you have it!)


C.U.Q.'s is my own personal acronym for "Commonly used quotes".  (I was about to write C.U.P.'s for Commonly used phrases but I decided not to since it looked weird.)

Everyone has their own idiosyncrasies, whether it being twirling your hair, blinking randomly, scratching your scab without meaning, or something along the lines of that.  There are also other people, whose idiosyncrasies include saying something frequently in their everyday speech.

"You got a problem with that?"  I once knew a boy who would say that after he answered any question.  Oh, he just couldn't help it.  Luckily, he changed his CUQ to "You can't see me," and a week from that, it became "What the heaven?" 

"OMG, like, what the heck, like, why did you just like, do that to me, like, just, like, a minute or like, I dunno, like, two minutes ago, like, oh what the heck?"  LIKE.  Someone should make a movie called WHEN 'LIKE' TOOK OVER TEENAGERS' SPEECH.  It wouldn't make so much money, true, but it wouldn't hurt, right?  My point is, SO MANY people say 'like' between phrases, words, and sentences.  It's like, so not cool.  I mean, like, can't you like, say something better when, like, you, like, talk?  Saying "like" a lot is a bad habit.  Just like stuttering.  And just like (this like is a good like) nobody likes a stutterer, nobody likes a like-talker.  Does that make, like, sense?  I hope it, like, does.

I've heard many other CUQs too, such as "tsk, tsk, tsk", "people these days", and such.  Here are some of my famous CUQs:

"People these days."  Yup, I'm the guilty one.
"Gah."  From two years ago.
"Seriously!"  I still say that a lot.
"You suck."  From a year ago.
"What the heck?" 
"Oh, whatever."  When you connect 'what' with 'ever', wonders will be created.
And lastly, "Life is like that!"  I don't literally say that though.  Since I don't like explaining things, here are two examples:

You:  "Wow, that test was hard."
Me:  "LIFE is hard."

You:  "Why was I so stupid?"
Me:  "LIFE is stupid."

You get it now?

Even if they can be annoying, bless those CUQs.  They make us unique and worth talking to.  CUQs are what separates us from the others.  It's what separates girls from boys  (other than hormones, chromosomes, and all that other stuff).  CUQs are fabulous things.

What is YOUR CUQ?

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Comic Strip Number 11

"If life hands you lemons, make lemonade."  A classic quote.

"If life hands you lemons, throw them at people you don't like."  A classic Vicky-quote.

Speech Fest in my school is around March, April.  I'm thinking about either doing  it on stupid quotes or failure. 

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Princess and the Pea Chapter 11

One one.  Eleven.  Whatever.

Chapter 11:
“Don’t say that!” Marilynn tried to stay positive.
“No, you saw. Helen’s plan is working.”
“What?” Prince Samson gave her a meaningful look. “Optimism won’t help us now. Our kingdoms are being taken over yet you refuse to be realistic!”
Marilynn looked down. She knew all that. She knew that Prince Samson was right. But she was angry at his tone. “So what are you going to do about it? Moping won’t get us anywhere either!”
Prince Samson was shocked. “I don’t see you thinking of ideas to get us out of this mess!”
Marilynn gritted her teeth together, and sighed. “We have to stop it,” she said. “C’mon, let’s brainstorm. How are we going to get out of these ropes?”
Prince Samson closed his eyes in thought. He had no idea. Marilynn looked around the room, and let out a cry of happiness. “We’re saved,” she said.
Prince Samson gave her a questionable look. “What did you see?”
“Over there, in the far left corner of the room, there’s a nail sticking out. We could use those to get out of these ropes.”
Prince Samson cast his glance to the far left corner. Marilynn was right. There actually was a nail sticking out. “Huh,” he said. “I guess the construction workers weren’t careful enough.”
“Stop bickering, would you. Come on, let’s scoot over there.”
“You want me to scoot?”
“What is it, is that too un-princely for you? We have no time to think of all that nonsense! Compromise for once!”
Marilynn and the prince scooted over to the far left corner, the latter with a sour look on his face as his favourite pair of pants got covered in mud.
“Come on; rub the ropes on your hands to the nail!”
But before Prince Samson had a chance to reply, the door opened again. Marilynn turned her head back, expecting to see Linda again.
No witch appeared. Instead, two figures came crashing in as if they were thrown. They fell to the ground, moaning and groaning. Their hands and feet were also tied up.
Prince Samson was confused, for their new company were strangers to him. One was a woman dressed in fine robes. The other was a man who looked equally noble.
But Marilynn recognized them. A tear ran down her cheek. “Mother, father…Is that you?”

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.