Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Commenting on 2011's Canadian Federal Election Debate

(Background knowledge:  I live in Beaver-Land Canada, and we're going to be having a federal election in May.  Currently, all the parties are campaigning and attack ads are being broadcasted everywhere.  The latest one labeled our current prime minister Mr. Harper as a facebook stalker.  Haha, nice one, Liberals.  <_<)

Today, I sat down and watched two hours of pure win, also known as 2011's Canadian Federal Election Debate.  Four leaders from four great political parties in Canada got together and debated about some topics, and I found the debate rather interesting to watch, even though I must say that not letting Elizabeth May debate was an incredibly undemocratic act.  >:(  Maybe that's why the other leaders didn't debate about the environment too much...

Stephen Harper sure got ripped on a whole lot.  All the other party leaders were hating on him really bad.  Like, even when the other leaders were having their own one-on-one six minute debate, they were still commenting on how terrible and deficient Mr. Harper's government was.  Iggy (Mr. Ignatieff's hilarious nickname) kept on saying how Mr. Harper never told the truth and how he didn't trust Canadians enough.  He said that Mr. Harper didn't deserve a majority government, nor did he deserve a minority government.  That was very effective.  Yeah, he said a bunch of really good points, but I found that he repeated a lot of them over and over again throughout especially the first part of the debate.

To me, Mr. Duceppe just sounded like he was yelling some bizarre nonsense. I could barely understand him because of his obvious Quebec-French accent.  (Oui, j'adore le français, mais je ne pouvais pas comprendre Monsieur Duceppe parce que le fait qu'il est quebecois.)  But I knew he was criticizing Harper, talking about what he used to say and promise and how he had "changed".  For some reason, a lot of the party leaders were talking about how their colleagues "used to be" and how much they liked the "old them" better than who they were like right now.

Mr. Harper, whom I recognize by his ever-famous blue sweatervest, did a okay job.  He spent most of the time trying to make himself look better after his colleagues completely made him look like a fool.  He defended himself pretty well, I guess, but still.  Meh.
Since I LOVE NDP and Jack Layton, I saved him for last.  Probably due to my bias, I think Mr. Layton did a fantastic job.  Realistically, he did pretty well too.  I believe that he'll be able to steal a few more votes after an impressive performance in the debate.

One moment in the debate made me cringe a tiny bit.  I can't believe Mr. Michael Ignatieff actually told Mr. Layton, "Your party will always be the opposition!"  In other words, "you can't win and you'll never win".  Furthermore, Ignatieff called Layton by his first name a few times during the debate.  Dude, show some respect.  <_<
Another thing that left me feeling a tad annoyed was that Layton and Duceppe didn't get too much attention.  Yes, they aren't the leading parties, and their chances of winning are close to zero, but can't Harper and Ignatieff treat them as if they had an equal chance in this election?  I mean, barely anyone bothered to put their effort into debating against the NDP or the Bloc.  Like I said before, everyone was just rippin' on Harper.  And Ignatieff too, eventually.  Then again, Harper was ripping on him a long time before the debate.  (Type in ignatieff attack ads in youtube search to see what I mean).

Now, on a less serious note, I loved all their neckties.  I think Ignatieff's red tie was a good choice.  Layton's tie was great too, because, well, he's Layton.  And they all had really nice suits.  *nods*

You know who I'm going to get my parents to vote for?  You guessed it:  The New Democrats.

To all you Canadians out there who read my blog:  Please vote on May 2nd, 2011.  Your vote will make a difference, and remember, you have no right to complain about your government if you didn't even participate in the voting process.  Also, please give NDP a vote.  They value Canadian families.  They will create more jobs for Canadian citizens.  Furthermore, they will support health care which will benefit all of us.  And their leader is an amazing, charismatic person.  Go to their official website for more information about their party.  GO NDP!


-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Having a good memory does NOT mean you're a stalker.

I am blessed with a great memory capacity.  I can remember a lot of things, and I don't tend to forget information.  Even the littlest things stay with me for a very long time.

Having a good memory has its benefits.  For example, studying for tests doesn't take too much effort for me, and I can remember the names of everyone I meet.

But for some strange reason, people sometimes think I'm a stalker, since I have information about people, etc, that seem odd for me to have.  But I'm not a stalker.  People just don't remember telling me things about themselves and I can remember almost everything other people say.  One time, a friend of mine was explaining her school schedule to me.  A week later, I was talking to her again, and she said, "Gee, I forgot what my second period was for the next semester."  I looked at her curiously and replied, "You have Science."

The thing was, she stared at me as if I were crazy.  "Wow, Vicky...That's creepy...How do you know that?"  I told her about our conversation that happened a week before, but she didn't recall it at all.  0_0

Furthermore, do you guys think that knowing everyone's last name makes you a stalker?  Well, that's me, and the only reason I do know everyone's last name is through marking my classmates' papers and by hearing the attendance list every morning.  I don't remember these things purposely, but...I just do.

But honestly, I don't understand why having a good memory means you're a stalker.  It's not like I go search people up on Google or anything like that (I have a friend who actually does this, BTW).  I just hear something or see something, and it stays in my head.  Because unlike most people, I catch onto the little things too.  See?  Nothing extraordinary.

So if you feel like somebody in your life seems to be an "information stalker", stop and think.  Are you sure you didn't let something slip when talking to this person?  Because, 9/10 chances you did.  And I know this from experience.  Also, everyone should always try to remember everything that comes at them, or at least as much as they can remember.  Because who knows when those tiny pieces of info will come in handy?


-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

New Design!

Who likes it?  :D  It's a simple yet effective design, IMO.

(Confession:  I had to edit it multiple times before I finally got it right.  I'm not too good with Blogger.  I'm better at editting Invisionfree skins.)

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Two New GIMP Drawings

I love GIMP.  I just do.

Drawing #1:

Drawing #2:

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.