Friday, October 2, 2009

The Power of One? Nope.

Today was a bully-rific (not really) day at school.  Not only did I witness much bullying, there was also a special presentation today on the subject.

Today around lunch, after the teacher went out of the room, two of my classmates, one tall and one...not so much, grabbed a volleyball and started playing with it...indoors!  So they start playing, and suddenly, the shorter one accidentally volleys the ball at the taller one's eyes, hurting both him and his glasses.  The taller one immediately takes off his glasses and starts rubbing his eyes.  The shorter one looked seriously worried.  Guess what the taller one did?  He got really angry and started to kick and punch and intimidate the shorter one.  It looked very VERY violent.  I almost felt sick.

After lunch, we were all called to the gym to attend a special presentation:  The Power of One.  The two presenters (both female) started telling us about verbal, physical, and cyber bullying.  They also acted out a couple of scenes.  Their acting was awesome, but it all looked way too familiar to be comfortable with.  And on top of that, the only kind of bullying THEY talked about was GIRL BULLYING.  Well, I can understand why they didn't do boy bullying.  No one wants a school of good students to learn a hundred new swear words to take home, right?  But it all didn't really help.

They also got us to act out the bully, the victim, and the bystander.  That didn't help either.  We spent that entire section laughing and laughing and laughing.  It was so useless.

After the presentation, they actually made us say an oath.  It went something like this:

"I will not bully others.
I will not just stand by when other people are being bullied.
I will report all bullying I see.
I have the power of one!"

Yeah.  It was all serious, with the presenters making us put our right hand on our heart.  But in my head, I knew that saying a simple oath wasn't going to help anyone.  The bullying would continue...and that shorter dude will always be too scared to report that taller dude.......Nothing will ever change.

But I take oaths quite seriously.

The Power of One?  HAHAHAHA, you just got to be kidding me.  Bullying will always be there in our world...and we can't help it.

Heh, them and their peace talks.  We hear them every year.  <_<

Yeah right.

We're just going to see more and more of this:

It's a cruel world....

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

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