Friday, October 23, 2009

Fixing My Crayon Box

Just minutes ago, I realized that my Crayola 12-Crayon Crayon kit was in horrible, horrible shape.  It was all teared, ugly, and old.  In a way, I couldn't blame it.  I had it since I was in grade 1, and back then, I used to harass it a lot.

So I decided to fix it...with Dollar-Store tape.  First, I took off the old tape my dad put on it.  Then, I ripped up some pieces of tape and started randomly putting it on places.  I taped the broken pieces back onto the box, the good pieces together too (I dunno, boredom?), etc. I think I taped it together the best I could, so I wrote "My box of MAGICAL FUN CRAYONS" on it.

Voila, art:



-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

P.S.  Note to self:  Next time, buy a new crayon box.

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