Monday, November 23, 2009

Your View Is...?

As you get older, you realize that the people around you begin to change. They no longer hold much interest for their friends, for their attention slowly starts to urge towards the opposite gender. Girls become all girlie-girlie and prissy and guys become, well, stupidly arrogant. It's a natural thing in life, but sometimes, I just don't understand it.

Love. Crushes. What the heck? At our young age, what do we understand about all that? We say that we "like" someone and that we "have interest" in someone, but in truth, it's all fangirly/fanboyish feelings that have no deep thought or meaning. These "crushes" are all just other people who are blessed with either fortune or good looks. Nobody looks at the soul inside, and nobody cares about the personality. The character. The virtue.

Elementary school. Middle school. High school. Beyond. Everywhere you might hear some sort of gossip about "OMG she likes him" or "They're dating!". No one's serious, of course, not in our day. These boyfriends and girlfriends are just people to make you look good. People to make you say "Yeah, look at me. I'm so popular." It doesn't have any meaning beyond that.

My classmates are all quite immature. They flirt and are merry. They have people they like and people who like them, and they aren't afraid to say how they feel. They're all just attention-seekers.

Quote: "Everyone likes SOMEONE!" Yeah, sure. But do I? That's hard to say, because I always force myself NOT to like anyone. I treat everyone I know all the same, and I always tell myself how inferior they are and how horrible they are. Soon, even if it's not true and even if I don't feel that way, my brain takes in what I tell myself and makes it my own feelings. Why, you may ask. Why would you do that? Because emotions like that are a burden. School is for studying. School is for the learning experience offered to you. School ISN'T for frolicking idiots running around with boy/girlfriends. If you like someone, that takes up some of your thinking, when you could've been using that thinking power for something more productive, like algebra, history, or in my case, hours and hours of Harmony homework.

I'm not popular either. So? Why would it matter at our age? Why would anything matter? Doesn't anyone care about academics anymore? All everyone cares about is who looks good, who likes who, and who's into drugs or not. Isn't life bland? Yet they like it. They, my classmates. They, your classmates. They, probably YOU. They, the world of children, tweens, and teenagers.

It's not going to end, is it?

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

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