Saturday, July 23, 2011

1 Month Facebook Challenge: Results

At the beginning of the month, I decided to challenge myself to join Facebook.  It was a hard decision for me to make, for I am generally against the social networking site known to all as FB.  Why?  Well, if you ever heard my speech that won this year's District Speech Meet, it encourages cyberbullying, wastes time, and gives the illusion of socializing.  Blah blah blah.

But then I asked myself, "Then why?  If it is known to the public that Facebook isn't as great as it seems to be, why is it still so popular?  Why does everyone still go on it anyways?"  So I decided to see for myself.  (cue dramatic music track)

On July 1st, 2011, I created a Facebook account.  I added a few of my friends and classmates, and observed how they interacted with each other and how they interacted with me.

Twenty days later, I decided I would quit on the 31st.  I, who was hoping to see another side of Facebook, was disappointed.

I suppose the main reason why I was displeased with FB was the simple fact that EVERYONE sounded the exact SAME on it.  Truly!  Everyone typed with the same tone and used the same text-talk that is so common in our everyday lives.  The individuality I loved so much in all the people I knew was lost.

Now in real life, face-to-face conversations, it's easy to tell that everybody's personalities are different.  People react differently to remarks, use different body language, and say remarkably different things.  But on FB, I believe there are only two separate "personality" groups:  The Ones Who Type With Proper Grammar, and The Ones Who Do Not.  Honestly.  On Facebook, you can't get too detailed with your intonation, unless you did something like this:

(I'm smiling really wide when I say this, and my eyes are also opened really wide)  Oh, (pause) congratulations!  (I put an emphasis especially on the second syllable)  I never (hand gesture here:  my hands are in front of my face) knew you would make it!  (I say this sarcastically but my tone is friendly)

And that's not even enough.  :(  ikr yeah

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.


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