Sunday, January 10, 2010

Top Ten Quotes of 09

Since it's still January, the beginning of the year, I can still babble on and on and on about 2009.

2009 was a good year, filled with many events and happenings.  I also heard a lot of good quotes (lol) by some of the people around me and myself.

Top Ten Quotes of Jan-Dec 2009:  (not in order)

  1. "Remember human rights?  Well, I have the right to have oxygen!"
  2. "If you don't like that, then don't talk to me!"
  3. "Shouldn't you have learned that by now?"
  4. "What the heaven...!!"
  5. "Life is between B (birth) and D (death) :  C (choices)."
  6. "If nobody's perfect, then why must we all reach for the petty thing called perfection?"
  7. "Please, no!!  I'll do anything!!"
  8. "Do I look like I care?"
  9. "OK, no one's impressed."
  10. "Oh my atheism..."
Try to guess which ones are mine.  ^_^  Winners get an icon.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

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