Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Moody Cloud Episode 1 Part 1

Hi there!  This is the animation that I've been working on these weeks...

Yes, there is no audio.  See my Youtube description to understand why, since I hate explaining things.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Princess and the Pea Chapter 13

A short chapter this week.

Chapter 13:
Marilynn went over the details of her plan, trying to go as slow as possible. After, she took a deep breath, and waited for her audience’s reaction.
“Well?” She asked.
Prince Samson blinked. Queen Sandra grimaced. King Henry looked rather confused. Samson was the first to speak. “Are you sure it’ll work?”
Marilynn frowned at him. “You don’t like my idea?”
“No, dear,” King Henry said. “It’s quite complicated, don’t you think? How will it commence? What if something goes wrong? There are so many questions.”
“Yes, Marilynn, your father is right. It’s far too risky.” Queen Sandra sighed.
Marilynn was silent for a moment, and then suddenly shouted. “Would you rather our kingdoms be vanquished then?”
Her parents were shocked at her tone, but they understood what she said. “No…”
Prince Samson nodded. “We have to try, since no one else has any better idea. The princess’s plan might actually work. It’s worth it.”
Marilynn looked up at him. “You really think so?”
Prince Samson nodded again. “If we fail, at least it would be for a good cause. But if we just sit here and watch our kingdoms collapse under…” He grimaced, as if he didn’t want to say the name. “…Under that witch Helen Crosby, how could we call ourselves the royalty? The royalty is supposed to protect the villagers, right? So we must try.”
King Henry and Queen Sandra slowly nodded. “Fine, then. Marilynn, would you please go over the plan again?” Sandra smiled.
Marilynn smiled back. “Yes, mother. Now, are you all ready?”

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Merry Christmas! (CS 13)

This isn't even really a comic strip, but it has words and pictures, so I guess it counts.

Merry Christmas to all yesterday!

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Eliza's Dollhouse

As you all know, Christmastime is approaching.  The usual would probably just go to the mall to BUY their families gifts, but not me.  I'm gonna MAKE my family their gifts.

Number one on my list is Mom.  I wrote her a poem.  ^_^

Number two is definitely my little two-and-a-half years old sister Elizabeth.  I spent my morning and two hours of my afternoon making her a dollhouse out of cardboard.

The outside looks horribly tacky, I know, but I didn't want to waste any time or paper trying to cover up Safety 1st's commercialism.  (LOL, I used Eliza's potty cardboard...)

I spent slightly more time on the inside.  I actually covered up the walls and even added some furniture to finish the whole "blue here, blue there...blue hearts" look.

Well, all I can say is that I really hope my sister likes it.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Failed Animation Number 1

I was working on an animated video thing....But this animation failed.  :(

Sad, sad....

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Copyrighted to me.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Comic Strip Number 12

Everyday, my little sister watches Dora the Explorer.  (Doodoodoo Dora...Doodoodoodoodoo Dora...)  At first, it was okay, since Dora was my fave cartoon when I was a little twerp too.  But oh, hearing those annoying themesongs over and over and over....again EVERYDAY was bound to tick me off one day.

Yeah.  Anyways, here's a comic I made to relieve that stress.

IN YOUR FACE, BOOTS!  Dora will never truly love you!!!  MUWAHAHAHAHA!

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

BTW, you can only understand this if you know what Go, Diego, Go is.  ^_^

Princess and The Pea Chapter 12

One two three......Twelve.

Chapter 12:

Marilynn’s father King William groaned. “They got you too,” he muttered.
Queen Sandra had just about the same reaction. “Oh, now we’re all here together, hmm, dear?”
Marilynn couldn’t stop crying. “Mother…Father…” She moaned between sobs.
Prince Samson gritted his teeth together. He felt the emotion rising from his new company, but he knew that it was all useless. He felt their grief and wanted to comfort them, but he knew what he had to do. Let them be, he told himself. Just cut your ropes off.
Prince Samson rubbed the ropes on his hands to the nail on the wall, grunting as it refused to tear. Finally, with one hard push of force, he felt his ropes loosen. He could move his hands again.
Prince Samson removed his hand ropes from his body and tore off his foot ropes. Ouch, he thought as the hard rope scraped across his skin. That hurt.
Marilynn finally stopped crying and looked up at the prince, forcing a smile. “Oh, you got your ropes off. See? I told you it would work.” Then she followed his lead and soon, she was free too. She also dismantled her parents’ ropes in the meantime. Prince Samson frowned. She was so strong.
Once they were all free, they started brainstorming. “We must get out of here!” King William protested. “Our kingdoms are in danger!”
“Yes, yes! We must!” Queen Sandra nodded in consensus.
Prince Samson looked up at Marilynn’s parents, amazed by how alike they were to her. Both the king and the queen had Marilynn’s carroty hair, green eyes, and pale skin. Their voices were equally refined yet somehow cheeky at the same time. He didn’t know what to say.
Marilynn turned to Samson. “Well?” She asked. “What now?”
“What, am I supposed to decide or something?”
“Well, you’re the prince here. You should know Helen’s intentions the best, for she always wanted your kingdom, hmm?” Marilynn smiled at him.
“But…I…Don’t know…”
Marilynn rolled her eyes. “I was kind of expecting that, you see. I’ve already thought of a master plan that will definitely work.”
“You have?” Prince Samson was shocked.
“Well done!” King William was pleased.
“Oh, please, Marilynn. Just tell us already.” Queen Sandra was impatient. She clicked her fingers.
“Alright, then, mother, father…Prince Samson…” Marilynn looked around at her small audience. “Get ready for Operation Marilynn.”

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Friday, December 11, 2009

Slave For A Day

It's amazing what teachers can come up with to motivate children.  It's just amazing.

Recently, we had a charity at our school.  To encourage us to donate cans, etc, our teacher came up with a contest, entitled "Slave For A Day".

The teacher split us up into two groups...Boys vs girls.  The contest was to see which group could bring in more cans.  At the end, the losing team had to be the winning team's "slave" or rather, "servant" for the day.  Fair.

And heck, did that get us motivated or what!  Donations started rolling in quicker than a boulder falling off a cliff at 120 miles per hour.  People became more generous than ever.  One of my classmates even brought in a garbage bag full of toys and clothes!  Amazing.  In total, my class brought in 400+ cans.

Sadly, we, the girls, lost.  So today, we became the guys' Slaves For A Day.  You could say I was lucky, for I missed the entire morning in class today since I had to do my Harmony examination.  ^_^

When I came back from my exam, one of my friends came and told me about all the stupid things her assigned 'master' made her do.  I mean, what the heck?  Pushing him to French class on his chair?  Microwaving his lunch when he didn't even need his lunch to be microwaved?  Etc.

My other classmates didn't exactly enjoy themselves either.  One particularly unhappy classmate had to wear an apron....You get the point.

My afternoon was okay, I guess.  My assigned 'master' kept on threatening me with comments such as "you are gonna seriously suffer", but he was actually quite nice.  ^_^

Slave for a day, slave for a day.  Such a stupid idea.  Yet it does motivate us children, so I believe it's not really all that immoral...?

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

P.S.  I pay my respects to all the people out there whose ancestors had to suffer through slavery.  God pray for them.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Vociferously yours?

Vociferous.  The best word in the world of words.  Well, at least to me.

I still remember when I first decided to make a blog.  I wanted it to have a V-V kind of name that would describe me.  I wanted it to be V(something) Vicky.  So I grabbed my trusty Oxford Dictionary for Advanced Learners and started searching for V adjectives.

I found a whole darn lot of negative things.  "Volatile", "vicious," "vile"...Those words were everywhere.  Ugh, I was starting to believe that I would never find a good V word.

"Vital", "venerable", "veracious", "vivacious", and such were some good positive words I found.  Vital sounded cheesy, venerable made me sound arrogant, veracious was just stupid, and vivacious was well, me yet not so me.  Not that I could explain.

Finally, like a beautiful gift wrapped up in splendid wrapping paper with an expensive bow on top...(Sorry, Christmastime is approaching), I found vociferous.  Vociferous, vociferous, oh, how lovely it sounded to me.  And its meaning suited me too:  "expressing one's opinion in a loud, confident way".  I'm like that.  It drives people nuts and makes people mad but yeah, I'm like that.  So I confidently made myself a blog:  Vociferousvicky.blogspot.com.  I started posting things, and I started to get visitors.

Recently though, I found out something:  Not all dictionaries give 'vociferous' such a positive meaning!  Some dictionaries suggest that vociferous people are loud and vehement.  Dictionary.com even says that vociferous people cry out loud noisily and are clamorous!  The nerve!

So now I'm thinking, should I have named this blog 'Vociferous Vicky'?  Should I have put "Vociferous yours, Vicky" at the end of basically all my blog entries?  Should I have listened to my most favored dictionary in the entire world without trying others?  Questions, questions, and more questions.

But I must admit, despite the negativity in the word...I am vociferous.  I am loud, vehement, and clamorous.  I do express my opinion with confidence and sureness.  But what are you going to do about it?

So I'm still going to put "Vociferously yours, Vicky" at the end of this blog entry, as well as many more that will come.  So I'm still going to stare at my blog's title with pride and happiness.  So I'm still going to run this blog as a vociferous fanatic.  HA!

Okay.  I'm done speaking.  I pledge the fifth.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.  <--(So there you have it!)


C.U.Q.'s is my own personal acronym for "Commonly used quotes".  (I was about to write C.U.P.'s for Commonly used phrases but I decided not to since it looked weird.)

Everyone has their own idiosyncrasies, whether it being twirling your hair, blinking randomly, scratching your scab without meaning, or something along the lines of that.  There are also other people, whose idiosyncrasies include saying something frequently in their everyday speech.

"You got a problem with that?"  I once knew a boy who would say that after he answered any question.  Oh, he just couldn't help it.  Luckily, he changed his CUQ to "You can't see me," and a week from that, it became "What the heaven?" 

"OMG, like, what the heck, like, why did you just like, do that to me, like, just, like, a minute or like, I dunno, like, two minutes ago, like, oh what the heck?"  LIKE.  Someone should make a movie called WHEN 'LIKE' TOOK OVER TEENAGERS' SPEECH.  It wouldn't make so much money, true, but it wouldn't hurt, right?  My point is, SO MANY people say 'like' between phrases, words, and sentences.  It's like, so not cool.  I mean, like, can't you like, say something better when, like, you, like, talk?  Saying "like" a lot is a bad habit.  Just like stuttering.  And just like (this like is a good like) nobody likes a stutterer, nobody likes a like-talker.  Does that make, like, sense?  I hope it, like, does.

I've heard many other CUQs too, such as "tsk, tsk, tsk", "people these days", and such.  Here are some of my famous CUQs:

"People these days."  Yup, I'm the guilty one.
"Gah."  From two years ago.
"Seriously!"  I still say that a lot.
"You suck."  From a year ago.
"What the heck?" 
"Oh, whatever."  When you connect 'what' with 'ever', wonders will be created.
And lastly, "Life is like that!"  I don't literally say that though.  Since I don't like explaining things, here are two examples:

You:  "Wow, that test was hard."
Me:  "LIFE is hard."

You:  "Why was I so stupid?"
Me:  "LIFE is stupid."

You get it now?

Even if they can be annoying, bless those CUQs.  They make us unique and worth talking to.  CUQs are what separates us from the others.  It's what separates girls from boys  (other than hormones, chromosomes, and all that other stuff).  CUQs are fabulous things.

What is YOUR CUQ?

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

Comic Strip Number 11

"If life hands you lemons, make lemonade."  A classic quote.

"If life hands you lemons, throw them at people you don't like."  A classic Vicky-quote.

Speech Fest in my school is around March, April.  I'm thinking about either doing  it on stupid quotes or failure. 

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Princess and the Pea Chapter 11

One one.  Eleven.  Whatever.

Chapter 11:
“Don’t say that!” Marilynn tried to stay positive.
“No, you saw. Helen’s plan is working.”
“What?” Prince Samson gave her a meaningful look. “Optimism won’t help us now. Our kingdoms are being taken over yet you refuse to be realistic!”
Marilynn looked down. She knew all that. She knew that Prince Samson was right. But she was angry at his tone. “So what are you going to do about it? Moping won’t get us anywhere either!”
Prince Samson was shocked. “I don’t see you thinking of ideas to get us out of this mess!”
Marilynn gritted her teeth together, and sighed. “We have to stop it,” she said. “C’mon, let’s brainstorm. How are we going to get out of these ropes?”
Prince Samson closed his eyes in thought. He had no idea. Marilynn looked around the room, and let out a cry of happiness. “We’re saved,” she said.
Prince Samson gave her a questionable look. “What did you see?”
“Over there, in the far left corner of the room, there’s a nail sticking out. We could use those to get out of these ropes.”
Prince Samson cast his glance to the far left corner. Marilynn was right. There actually was a nail sticking out. “Huh,” he said. “I guess the construction workers weren’t careful enough.”
“Stop bickering, would you. Come on, let’s scoot over there.”
“You want me to scoot?”
“What is it, is that too un-princely for you? We have no time to think of all that nonsense! Compromise for once!”
Marilynn and the prince scooted over to the far left corner, the latter with a sour look on his face as his favourite pair of pants got covered in mud.
“Come on; rub the ropes on your hands to the nail!”
But before Prince Samson had a chance to reply, the door opened again. Marilynn turned her head back, expecting to see Linda again.
No witch appeared. Instead, two figures came crashing in as if they were thrown. They fell to the ground, moaning and groaning. Their hands and feet were also tied up.
Prince Samson was confused, for their new company were strangers to him. One was a woman dressed in fine robes. The other was a man who looked equally noble.
But Marilynn recognized them. A tear ran down her cheek. “Mother, father…Is that you?”

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Comic Strip Number 10

Ah, the world of people...Wait, that's off-topic.

Okay, then.  Here's a truth:  Anorexia destroys character.


Two blog entries ago, I posted something on Physical Appearances.  Read that.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Princess and the Pea Chapter 10

Chapter 10:
Marilynn woke up in a daze, and found herself tied up in a small, musty wooden one-room house. She couldn’t move her hands and feet.
Marilynn carefully turned her head, taking in the scene around her. There were picture frames hung on the walls. Within the picture frames were old photos. She squinted at them. One showed the devouring of a lamb. She shuddered. Another showed two witches in graduation gowns. Marilynn halted. Witches…Witches…
Marilynn tried to remember what had happened before she fainted. She had seen a black mist, that’s for sure. She mused over it, trying to bring some sense into it all. Suddenly, she remembered. The black mist Destin, once the henchman of the old necromancer Collin, was passed down as a servant through the witch ranks. She remembered reading about it, and she remembered what it looked like. And to her surprise, it greatly resembled the black mist that had gone through her.
Marilynn’s eyes widened. Helen Crosby, she thought. But then it didn’t make sense again. Why would Helen come to my kingdom? She was always after Daffodil Acres. Why would she send Destin over here? She would only do that if she had somehow already conquered the Acres. Acres first, Ruby Cross second, she had learned from her father. That’s the master plan of Miss Crosby.
But was it possible that Helen actually had succeeded in her mission at the Acres? Marilynn felt dizzy, but it wasn’t from the horrible stale scent in the room. Oh no, she thought. What has happened to Queen Lily, King Henry, and Prince Samson?
Suddenly, the door to the room burst open, and a figure came rolling in, also tied up. Marilynn kept her eyes on the figure, and nearly cried. It was the prince.
“So the princess girl of Ruby Cross is awake now?” A shrill voice made Marilynn’s head snap up. She was expecting Helen, but instead saw her daughter, Linda Crosby.
“Well, you can keep him company then.” And Linda was gone.
Prince Samson moaned. He was stupid. He was dumb. Now he was paying the price of his ignorance. “Princess Marilynn?” He groaned.
Marilynn answered sadly. “Yes?”
Prince Samson shook his head miserably. “It’s over,” he said. “We’re done for.”

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Physical Appearances

Everyone judges. Did your eyes open when I said that?  Well, you may be denying it, but it's true.  No matter how nice you are, no matter how sweet and caring and friendly you are, you judge.  And I don't blame you.  Judging is just a natural thing in life.

We start judging people the moment we see them.  We see their faces, what they wear...And from that point, a solid impression stays in our heads.  That impression lasts for a very long time.  Which brings to the sorry fact that physical appearance matters a lot.

Like, a lot.  Very very very very....much.  Almost 80% of our entire character.

In a way, it's sad.  What do the ugly people do then?  If you're cursed with unattractiveness, is the world dying?  Is life over?

Nobody's perfect.  Everyone's faces have flaws.  So?  SO?  SO?
You should have that attitude.  So what?  I'm looking the best I can look, so you can't say anything.

Some people aren't that confident, especially girls, since physical appearance matters that much more to them.  Anorexia.  Bulimia.  Even some of the already-skinny girls go through that...And some lose their fight against it.  Is it worth it?  You're not fat!  I mean, what the heck?

And then again, there are the people who go over.  Oh, you think you're all that good-looking?  Good for you for being self-confident, but can't you just hide your narcissism and go admire yourself someplace else?  That's what I hate:  Narcissism.  Nobody likes a overly proud person just like nobody likes a dictator.  The message is:  Don't be either of them!

Ho hum ho.  Life is hard....But when you think about it, so are rocks.  So just live with it.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Your View Is...?

As you get older, you realize that the people around you begin to change. They no longer hold much interest for their friends, for their attention slowly starts to urge towards the opposite gender. Girls become all girlie-girlie and prissy and guys become, well, stupidly arrogant. It's a natural thing in life, but sometimes, I just don't understand it.

Love. Crushes. What the heck? At our young age, what do we understand about all that? We say that we "like" someone and that we "have interest" in someone, but in truth, it's all fangirly/fanboyish feelings that have no deep thought or meaning. These "crushes" are all just other people who are blessed with either fortune or good looks. Nobody looks at the soul inside, and nobody cares about the personality. The character. The virtue.

Elementary school. Middle school. High school. Beyond. Everywhere you might hear some sort of gossip about "OMG she likes him" or "They're dating!". No one's serious, of course, not in our day. These boyfriends and girlfriends are just people to make you look good. People to make you say "Yeah, look at me. I'm so popular." It doesn't have any meaning beyond that.

My classmates are all quite immature. They flirt and are merry. They have people they like and people who like them, and they aren't afraid to say how they feel. They're all just attention-seekers.

Quote: "Everyone likes SOMEONE!" Yeah, sure. But do I? That's hard to say, because I always force myself NOT to like anyone. I treat everyone I know all the same, and I always tell myself how inferior they are and how horrible they are. Soon, even if it's not true and even if I don't feel that way, my brain takes in what I tell myself and makes it my own feelings. Why, you may ask. Why would you do that? Because emotions like that are a burden. School is for studying. School is for the learning experience offered to you. School ISN'T for frolicking idiots running around with boy/girlfriends. If you like someone, that takes up some of your thinking, when you could've been using that thinking power for something more productive, like algebra, history, or in my case, hours and hours of Harmony homework.

I'm not popular either. So? Why would it matter at our age? Why would anything matter? Doesn't anyone care about academics anymore? All everyone cares about is who looks good, who likes who, and who's into drugs or not. Isn't life bland? Yet they like it. They, my classmates. They, your classmates. They, probably YOU. They, the world of children, tweens, and teenagers.

It's not going to end, is it?

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Movie Review: New Moon

Hey, I just came back from watching New Moon (Twilight saga).  It was surprisingly better than what critics were saying!  Well, at least I think so.

Here are the things they should improve on.  (Sorry, I am always negative before I am positive).

Number One:  First off, I'd like to say that all the actors are ugly.  Stewart (Bella) should get braces, Pattinson (Edward) should just like, get replaced or something 'cause his overall visual is only somewhat bolstered by his awesome hair, and Lautner (Jacob) and his wolfy gang should get some lives.  The Volturi looked nothing like I'd expected, the Cullens don't look all that good-looking, and etc, etc, and more etc.  Should I continue?  Oh yeah, I forgot something:  ETC. 

Number Two:  Ur, Pattinson?  Have you ever considered taking acting lessons?  I'm sure the local dance studio around here would accept someone like you.  They have a class for two year olds I'm sure you'd fit nicely in.  Stewart's acting has improved slightly from the previous movie, but eh, she should still work on it.  Better go enroll too with your true love.  Lautner's acting is actually pretty good, so I have nothing to say there.

Number Three:  The effects still look fake.  Very fake.  The wolves are horribly unrealistic, the sparkling textures of the vampires' skins remind me of amateur Photoshop animation, the cliff-diving was SO undramatic, and the slow motion isn't cool at all.  Especially in the beginning part with Edward Cullen slowly approaching Bella at school.  (Run, Bella, run!)

That's about it.  Now for the good things about the movie.

Number One:  Thank you, director, for making the stupid plot seem interesting!  Yes, the plot sucks.  Seriously, Edward Cullen decides to kill himself after a misunderstanding over the phone?  Mr. Director, good job.  I only yawned twice.

Number Two:  Lovely settings.  Good idea on shooting the scenes in Vancouver.  Lol, remember the part where it rains?  Typical.  Someone should just rename Vancouver to Raincouver.

Number Three:  Give yourself a pat on the back, whoever wrote the script, because the movie actually did differ from the book.  (I own the book so I know).  It wasn't exactly the same, so us bookworms could actually guess wrong about what happens next!  Yay, bookworms!

Number Four:  Is there a number four?  Oh yeah, there is.  New Moon was just an overall terrific movie, despite the errors and such that I pointed out.

OK, but in a way, the whole Twilight thing still freaks me out slightly.  Read this.  A friend sent it to me.  Scary, huh?  Poor Pattinson.

But the real frightening thing is this:  SOME PATTINSON FANS ARE BECOMING LAUTNER FANS.  Run, peoples, run!

My rating of The Twilight Saga:  New Moon:  4/5 Stars

Knock yourself dead, fangirls.  Knock yourself dead.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

EDIT:  I posted a poll.  Please vote!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

Comic Strip Number 9

LOL.  I just love the idea of couch potatoes.  It's just so cute!

BTW, I actually did once see an ad that said "Don't wanna be a couch potato?  Solution:  SELL YOUR COUCH!"  It was very interesting.

Ah, the joy of childhood.....

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

EDIT:  There is a major typo in the comic.  It's supposed to be "Cold-Hard-Bench Potato", NOT "Couch Cold-Hard-Bench".  Please read it in the correct way, because I don't have the time to change the comic.

Princess and the Pea Chapter 9

Nine rhymes with dine, fine, and Einstein.  But sadly, it does not rhyme with 'happy readers'.  But oh well.  Enjoy anyways.

Chapter 9:
Linda smiled, and suddenly, Helen Crosby appeared beside her. “So, you’ve done it, hmm?” Helen gave her daughter a congratulatory pat on the shoulder. “Now, ready for step three?”
“Step three already? Hmm, I never knew we’d be so successful.”
Helen clicked her fingers, and an unearthly black mist appeared before her, slowly forming into the shape of a bowing henchman. “Go,” she commanded it. “Go and take care of King Henry and Queen Lily’s allies. Make sure they don’t hear anything about what happened here today.”
The black mist answered slowly, its voice low and hearty. “Yes, mistress,” it answered. Then it disappeared.
One hundred miles away in Ruby Cross, Marilynn’s kingdom, the black mist appeared again. It looked around, slightly startled by how grand the whole place was. The castle itself was gleaming, shining brightly and luminously. The gardens smelled wonderful, and everything projected blithe and happy images of life. The black mist growled. It hated happy things. If it was to touch just a tad of happy, he would get seriously burned. And today, it was vital that he was to remain completely unharmed. Mistress Helen wouldn’t like it if it failed. Mistress Helen would probably torture it if it failed. So the black mist decided that nothing was going to stop it today.
Marilynn was in her room, musing and rubbing her forearm. She was frustrated that she was so bored. A princess shouldn’t be bored, she thought. A princess should have royal friends, a loving family, riches, a prince to comfort her…A prince. She just didn’t have a prince.
She got up from her chair and headed out the door. She made her way down the royal stairs, her red curls bouncing. She exited the castle, and before she made her third step onto the pavement outside, she fainted. The black mist had seen the open door, and passed through her accidentally. Marilynn’s eyes closed as she fell into a deep sleep.
The black mist continued on, pass the door and into the castle. It made its way to the King’s room.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Comic Strip Number 8

I really do want to go to Harvard, because no matter what course you take, you'll always get paid more than the average person after university!

But, really, I do want to go to Harvard.  This is just a stupid joke by a stupid kid.

I pay my respect to Harvard....And also to Fairly Odd Parents.  I got the "Pencil Pushing" idea from that cartoon.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Princess and the Pea Chapter 8

Hi ho, the merry-oh.  Chapter 8....not too late.  Wow, I have to seriously work on my poetry skills.  ^_^  Jk.

Chapter 8:

Prince Samson was still outside, taking a stroll around his castle. He was oblivious to the fact that he was in danger, and he didn’t know that Helen was after him. He just sighed, looked up at the sky, sighed again, and continued walking.
Inside the castle, Helen Crosby put on Queen Lily’s crown. There, she thought. Now I’m queen. But first she had to go get Linda.
Helen zoomed around the castle, jumping over the fainted servants and maids. Soon, she found an old oak door with the words “Princess Lila” intricately carved onto it. She knocked.
Linda knew it was Helen, and she was ready. She opened the door and quickly, the two began to discuss how to get rid of Prince Samson, or rather, as they call him, ‘the wretched fool of ignorance’.
A few minutes later, Linda came out of the castle as Princess Lila. She scanned around, and found Prince Samson, still by himself. She sauntered over to him and curtsied, just like a respectful princess would.
“Why, hello there, prince,” she said coyly, fitting her character.
Prince Samson looked down at her with belittling eyes. “Hello,” he answered.
“It’s such a lovely day out. Why are you by yourself?”
“There’s too much commotion. I like peace and quiet.”
“Oh, I see.” Linda knew that there wasn’t anymore time for dilatory comments. Small talk was over. “Um, Prince Samson?”
“I want to show you something. I found this very lovely field not far from the castle, and I want you to see it.”
Prince Samson scrutinized her. “Alright, then, this shouldn’t take long.”
“It won’t.”
Linda led Prince Samson down the winding path, which led to the forest…But Prince Samson didn’t know that. But Prince Samson did know something. There weren’t many guards present. “That’s odd,” he said. “There are usually ten guards standing here to protect this land.”
Linda cussed under her breath. “Yes, that is odd indeed. Come along now.”
Soon, they arrived at the forest. “Why are we at the forest, Princess Lila?” Prince Samson was confused. Maybe Lila had a bad sense of direction?
“Because, Prince Samson,” she answered, her twinkling voice suddenly becoming hoarser and hoarser. And in front of his eyes, ‘Princess Lila’ transformed into a brilliant young witch with blazing blue hair. “Because you’ve been fooled.”
And those were the last words Prince Samson heard before he suddenly passed out, his face still full of shock and disbelief as he tumbled to the ground with a thump.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Maple Leaves

I still remember the first day of Autumn.  Just in what seemed like one day, all of the leaves changed colour.  They changed from shades of breezy, calm greens to glowing yellows, bold reds, and fuzzy oranges.  It was a fabulous sight to see the wind blow at the trees, sending the beautiful assortment of maple leaves floating across the sky.

But then again, with Autumn, comes rain.  With Autumn, comes coldness.  With Autumn, comes influenza and the H1N1 swine flu (GASP).  And of course, with autumn, comes maple leaf art assignments.

This year's art assignment was easy.  You just had to draw at least three leaves of autumn colours with pencil crayons and yeah.

Here's mine.  I'm going to hand it in tomorrow or something.

Isn't it pretty?  ^_^

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Peace Is.....

A few days ago, in French class, our teacher made us write a phrase on what Peace was.  We also had to draw a picture to accompany the phrase.

I wrote, "La paix est l'amour dans les coeurs de toutes les personnes du monde."  Translation:  Peace is the love inside the hearts of everyone in the world.  My picture was a simple sketch of two hands from different ethnic backgrounds make a heart shape, with the peace sign inside the heart shape.  Very pretty.

After I was finished, I decided to walk around the class and check out what my classmates wrote.  They wrote things like "Peace is pretty", "Peace is saving lives", "Peace is when the world comes together and sings", all in French, of course.  Pretty good ideas.

One of my classmates actually wrote "Peace is saving the world (but if it's too late, find a new world)".  (La paix est sauver le monde (mais si c'est trop retard, trouver un nouveau monde).) I found it rather peculiar.  I told him that if people see that, they would think that it IS too late.  Or, people would think that they should just not care about saving the world, 'cause they'll obviously find a better, new world to prance around in.  <_<  Yeah right. < >

The teacher loved my mini-project, and told me that it would go into the Remembrance Day slideshow at the assembly.  To all you Americans, ur...St. Veteran's day.

I drew another one after.  I simply wrote "La paix est quand tu ris".  Peace is when you laugh.  Blah blah blah.  It only took me five minutes to do it.  ^_^

Peace to world, peace to world.....

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Comic Strip Number 7

I decided to make fun of Edward Cullen's life this time.  ^_^  I really don't like him.  He's suicidal and corny.

Oh yeah, I meant to not draw Edward's eyebrows.  I found it better this way.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Princess and the Pea Chapter 7

Lucky number seven...

Chapter 7:

“Are you kidding me? Taking a nap while on duty?” Queen Lily furiously slammed down her fist on the courtroom table. “How could they do that to me? These castle guards…A bunch of useless people, if you ask me.”
“Your majesty, please calm down…” Her henchman quivered slightly under her feet.
“Right. I am deeply sorry. Please go wake those ignorant fools up.”
“But, your majesty…”
“What is it this time, Charles?”
“I’ve tried to shake them awake, but they didn’t seem to react. In fact, I’ve gotten a lot of people to try to awaken them, but it seems like they were under some sort of spell.”
“Spell? For goodness’s sake, is that Helen Crosby trying to take over our kingdom again?”
“I am not sure, your majesty.”
“Well, all I know is that Crosby has failed twenty-four times to take us over. She should know that our castle is 100% damage proof on the inside and guarded quite well. Humph, let’s see what she comes up with this time.”
“But what about the castle guards, your majesty?”
“Just put them in their rooms. The spell, if there is any, should fade within two hours. Bring the replacement guards to the grand door for guarding. They would do fine.”
“Yes, your majesty.” Charles bowed and left.
Queen Lily clicked her fingers and a servant came to offer her tea. She sipped the drink, feeling totally at ease.
But she didn’t know what was happening outside the courtroom. One by one, her servants collapsed to the ground. One by one, her guards, knights, and tutors fell prostrate to the ground. Then her henchman left. Charles, while doing his duty, suddenly felt drowsy and crumpled. His head made an audible bonking sound as it hit the linoleum floor. He closed his eyes and fainted.
Everyone closed their eyes and fainted.
A strange purple mist squeezed through the cracks of the courtroom door. “Queen Lily,” it seemed to say. “She must be here.”
Queen Lily was still sipping her tea when it happened. The purple mist surrounded her, and Queen Lily was too slow to react when it choked her, and finally, Queen Lily also collapsed. Onto the floor she fell, swiftly and quickly. Her crown toppled down from her head.
The purple mist made a chortling sound, and it changed its shape. Slowly, it became the tall, thin silhouette of Helen Crosby.
Helen cackled, and picked up Queen Lily’s crown. She weighed it in her hands for a moment, appreciating it. “That’s everyone,” she said out loud, knowing that no one would hear. “Everyone except Prince Samson.”

Friday, November 6, 2009

A Horrible Day

Today wasn't a good day for me at school.  Yeah, blah blah blah, I want to hear nothing of your thoughts of exiting the page on me.  Just listen.  If you seriously don't care, just grin and bear it.  Isn't that the way you should live your life?  "Yes, scary person."

I think it started at lunch time.  Everyone in my class had ordered food, which was Boston Pizza in this case.  Not only was the pizza hard, crusty, and slightly burnt, the Doritos chips were expired.  Expired chips?  Yuck.  Mine said "Best before Oct 20".  And that's like...How many days ago?  I dunno.  Quote classmate #18:  "And the bag actually says 'freshness guaranteed'!"  (BTW, I ate the chips anyways.  They didn't taste that bad.)

To tell the truth, that wasn't the first time my school served us suckish ordered food.  Last time, they served us tasteless perogies.  It tasted worse than my own cooking.  Blech.  And last last time, ho hum ho.  Very Soggy California Rolls.  Gosh, someone should file a complaint.  (All that garbage costs a lot of money, you know!)

After lunch time, we went outside to enjoy the cold breezy wind.  One of my friends, who is a grade lower than me, stole one of my classmate's sweater.  Then she started running around with it while some of that classmate of mine's friends chased her maniacally, yelling things like "Give it back!".  Fanboys.

It got kind of violent, so I decided to do the right thing and get a supervisor.  But as I ran across the cement to seek for help, I think I tripped over some fanboy's shoe or something like that.  I tried to absorb the impact in my hands and knees as I fell to the ground, silent.

Yeah.  So here I am right now, right knee still painfully bleeding under two bandages kindly provided by the school and left hand hurting badly.  I believe it's gonna leave a mark.

Who to blame, who to blame?  "Yourself, you idiot," you might be saying.  Nah, though.  I blame my classmate (the one with the sweater).  It's his fault for existing.

Trust me.  Life feels a lot better if you have something or someone to blame.  "I totally screwed my valedictorian speech!  I blame....I blame that stupid rock!"  xD.  Just an example.

OK, I hope you were able to read through that without falling asleep.  Grr...I'm still mad.  But eh, it'll pass.


-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Hammurabi's Code

Woot, it was a hilarious History-rific day...And all thanks to the awesomeness of Hammurabi's Code, the law code that the sixth Amorite king of Babylon (Hammurabi, 1728-1686 B.C.) devised.

I know it's wrong for us to laugh at such an ancient piece of writing, but we just couldn't help it.  IT IS JUST HILARIOUS.  "An eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth".  That was their saying.  Now that I've read some of the laws, that just totally makes sense.

"If a man has stolen a child, he shall be put to death."
"If a seignior commited robery and has been caught, he shall be put to death."
"If a physician performs a major operation of a seignior with a bronze lancent and has caused the seignior's death, they shall cut off his hand."  (To this one, I wondered, what if he performed the opinion with a SILVER or COPPER lancet?  Huh? 0_0)

Everyone in my class laughed to this one.  "If a wife was not careful, but was a gadabout (blah blah blah), thus neglecting her house and humiliating her husband, they shall throw that woman into the water."  My question is:  What if she knew how to swim?  0_0

This one was my favourite.  "If he has knocked out the tooth of a seignior of his own rank, they shall knock out his tooth."  In honour of it, I quickly drew a comic strip on MS Paint.  This doesn't count as a weekly comic though.  It sucks too much.

You should research Hammurabi's Code if you're bored.  Seriously, you'll get a good laugh out of it, if not anything else.

Bye for now!

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Sweet Taste of Glowing VICTORY

Haha, I know I sound like I'm gloating.  But this time, I actually have something worth gloating about!

In Summer Vacation, I entered this writing contest for us awesome Canadians country-wide.  Yay me.  I never knew I would win....
But this morning, I received a phone call.  It turned out that I actually won the freaking contest!  The GRAND PRIZE!  I was so elated for like, 1 minute, because right after, I had to pack my backpack to head off to school.

But now, since I'm home and in peace, I can gloat all I want.  HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!  xD

All the people who entered the contest had to make their 300-word story follow an opening paragraph.  Here's my story....Without the opening paragraph, sorry.

Matt walked towards the village. By the time he got there, he was exhausted. Matt entered, hoping that the people there would be friendly.

He was greeted with angry stares from peculiar-looking aliens. They had purple skin, red hair, antennae, and green eyes, and were glaring at Matt. One of them came forward and shoved him. “We don’t like outsiders,” he said in English. Matt nodded slowly, scared.

The aliens left Matt alone. Matt sighed, knowing that he wasn’t going to get any help from these people.

Matt wandered around, head down to avoid the glares from the villagers. The village wasn’t like home at all. The aliens lived in tents, and there weren’t any stores or markets to buy food or clothing in either. Instead, there were huge trees full of fruits and giant leaves to wear. The air smelled like roses, and Matt could taste apricots on his tongue as he breathed in. Matt liked the place…but he felt hopeless since no one liked him.

Suddenly, Matt heard the sound of a baby crying. He ran to see what happened. A purple-skinned baby was stuck in a tree, alone and abandoned. Matt bravely climbed up and saved her. He cradled the baby in his arms until some aliens showed up.

“Hooray!” Shouts of joy came from them, and everyone cheered for Matt. A woman alien came and claimed her child from him. “Thank you,” they all cried. “What can we ever do to repay you?”

As a reward, the aliens helped Matt fix his airship. It was then time for him to leave. The aliens shook hands with Matt and waved as he soared back into the sky. “It was you who showed us that outsiders can be heroes!” They yelled. “Thank you so much!”

Matt grinned, content.

We also had to draw an accompanying picture.

Ah...The taste of victory is ever so sweet and mouthwatering....

I guess my love of writing has done me some good.  ^_^

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sakura MagnaDoodle Sketch

I drew this with my sister's MangaDoodle thingy.  It's supposed to be Sakura (in Naruto), but it's a bit different.  I drew it in my own personal style, you see.  ^_^

To me, it turned out okay.  I actually somewhat like it.  ^_^

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Comic Strip Number 6

Ho hum.


-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Halloween Story Chapter 7 (Finale)

Here's the last chapter.

The next day was Saturday. I spent the entire morning searching up possible clues on how to banish evil spirits. I found an interesting webpage.
“Welcome,” it said. “To banish any evil spirit, one must recite the following incantation while facing the evil object directly without alarm.”
But the words of the incantation were too tiny. I growled, and looked through the Page Source. Ah, there it is.
But to my alarm, the words were disappearing rapidly! So I quickly found a piece of paper and scribbled down what I could. “Banish all whom I detest, within the evil pump…”
Pump? That didn’t make sense. I thought through it carefully, and suddenly it all made sense. Pump was actually “pumpkin”.
I closed the Page Source and refreshed the webpage. To my surprise, an “Error” message greeted me. Huh. Maybe the webpage got suddenly deleted….Or maybe…
I quickly phoned up CiCi and got her to come over, telling her what happened. At 1:00pm, me, CiCi, and Ethan sat around the jack o lantern balls and took a few deep breaths.
“This is it,” I said.
“How do you know the incantation is real?” Ethan demanded.
“Because your sister found a magic webpage,” CiCi said, smiling. I knew she was joking.
“Enough, okay?” I snapped.
“Sure,” they both said in union.
I sighed and regarded the two jack o lantern balls with a mixture of regret and distaste. Regret, as in I regretted leaving the house on Halloween Night. Distaste, as in I hated how the balls had caused us all so much trouble.
I began the incantation, looking calm and focused. “Banish all whom I detest, within the evil pumpkin.”
We waited, waited for the miracle to happen. But nothing did. Maybe I was wrong, I thought to myself, depressed. Maybe I didn’t find the right incantation.
CiCi looked down on the ground, saying nothing. Ethan stifled a yawn, also silent. And then it happened.
We all looked up when we heard a deafening screech of horror, rising from the jack o lantern balls. “Aeeeeeeeeeeeiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!” They yelled, and suddenly, two misty yellow things rose up from the balls, connecting together, forming into the shape of a witch…The Witch of Misfortune. “You’ve won this time,” she screeched. “But I’ll soon be back!” She disappeared into nowhere, and so did the jack o lantern balls.
CiCi, I, and Ethan were silent for a while. Then Ethan broke it. “Aw,” he said. “I don’t get to keep my jack o lantern ball?”
“No you don’t,” I said, hugging my brother. “Just be happy you’re alive.”

Weeks past, and things went back to normal. CiCi’s dad got another job, and her mom became healthy and well again.
I was with my brother on our patio one blissful Sunday night. “Hey Ethan,” I said.
“Remember three weeks ago?”
“What happened three weeks ago?”
“Remember when we went trick or treating on Halloween Night, and got those two jack o lantern balls that caused us all that trouble?”
Ethan turned at me, looking confused. “What are you talking about?”
“You really don’t remember? Three weeks ago? Trick or treating? Halloween? The jack o lantern balls?”
“You’re crazy, sis,” he said. “It hasn’t been Halloween yet. Halloween’s in two days.”
“Two days?” I was confused. I reached for my cell phone and turned it on. To my surprise, the date was Oct 29!
The End.

Next week, I'll continue writing the Princess and the Pea.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Halloween Story Chapter 6

Happy Halloween, guys!  Now, here's chapter 6:

“I have to go to the hospital,” I whispered. “Ethan needs me.”
“I’ll go with you,” CiCi offered. And off we went.
When we arrived at the hospital, we were taken in by surprise. There was Ethan, standing perfectly well, dressed in his regular clothes, holding my mom’s hand. “Hi!” He greeted us.
“Ethan!” I rushed over to him and gave him a quick hug. “You’re okay, right?”
He rolled his eyes. “Duh,” he said.
“That’s good, that’s good…” I repeated that to myself, calming myself down. “Let’s go home then…”
“Yes,” said my mom.
We went home and I started to do my homework. I heard a knock on the door. “Come in!” I beckoned.
Ethan came in, head down and shoulders slumped. “Judy? I have something to tell you…”
“What is it?”
“I think my jack o lantern ball made me trip.”
“Ever since I got it, I’ve been hearing it say things to me…That’s why I loved it so much. I thought it was special.”
“When I first got into the hospital, I heard the jack o lantern ball’s voice…”
“What did it say?”
“It told me, ‘You’re off the hook this time, Ethan. But I’ll be back.’”
For a second I thought he was joking. “I’m not kidding, Judy,” he told me assertively.
I went up to him and gave him a hug. “You’re not the only one who thinks the jack o lantern balls are evil, bro. CiCi and I believe so too.”
“Really?” Ethan looked like he was about to cry.
“Really,” I said. “Don’t worry, because tomorrow, we’re going to get rid of them permanently. Just you wait and see.”

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Story Chapter 5

Woot, I'm really speeding through this thing.

“You really believe it’s the jack o lantern ball?”
“Yes. I know that you think I’m crazy, but no one else believes me!”
I thought things over. “I believe you, though,” I finally said.
“You do, Judy?”
“I’ve heard the jack o lantern ball say my name too. And I’ve seen its yellowy glow.”
“Same here!”
I felt a lump rising in my throat. “And you know what’s really weird?” I asked her, croaking. “Ethan was holding his jack o lantern ball when he tripped and hurt his head. I think it caused him to fall. I heard it say his name.”
CiCi shook her head. “What are we going to do? There are TWO jack o lantern balls. In other words, two times the bad luck. I can’t leave both of them in your house, Judy. You’re my friend, so I don’t want you to get hurt.”
The bell rang. “Bye,” I said. “See you.”
“See you. Let’s meet at the library after school at 3, ok?”
After school, we met at the library. Well, kind of. She was already there, reading an old dusty book when I stumbled in.
“Look at this, Judy,” she said, pointing at her book. “I think this should tell us the answers to everything.”
I sat down with her, looking at where her finger was pointing. “The Wretched Jack O Lantern” was the title of the chapter.
I read it aloud. “Legend bestows that there was once a pumpkin that contained the evil spirits of the Witch of Misfortune. One Hallow’s Eve night, the pumpkin got carved, and the evil spirits were free to roam around. The evil spirits of the Witch of Misfortune found home in a lump of potato plastic, entering through the cracks. But some crafters ripped the evil spirits into two…To make two potato plastic jack o lantern balls for Halloween Night crafting. The Misfortune side of the spirits drifted into the bigger jack o lantern ball…and the Death side of the spirits made their way into the smaller side. The two jack o lantern balls were painted neon green, and passed from generation to generation, house to house…On Halloween Night. No one knew of the evil spirits trapped inside, so everyone was dumbfounded when the balls appeared to be able to teleport to different locations. And no one knew it was evil. The Death side, the smaller ball, would cause untimely deaths to all who touch it, and the Misfortune side, the larger ball, would bring sorrow, grief, and misfortune to all who come in contact with it. There is only one way to destroy the evil spirits. One must recite the following incantation…” I paused. “Oh, the text is too faded. I can’t read it.”
“I know. It sucks, huh? But at least we have a lot of facts now.”
“Yeah…So I have the ‘Misfortune’ side, huh? That’s sad.”
“The bad luck’s going to sink into your family too. But you know what we should really think about right now?”
“Your brother, Ethan.”
“If you have the Misfortune side, then he has the DEATH side!”
Death. The word repeated itself inside my head. My eyes widened. I nearly screamed. “Ethan!”

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Halloween Story Chapter 4

Here's chapter 4.  Now, I dunno if I'm gonna finish this in time.

When I returned home, I was greeted with bad news. “Ethan isn’t doing well…” My mother sighed at me.
“Why aren’t you at work, mom?” I tried to push away from the unhappy subject.
“I was with Ethan at the hospital. The doctors are saying that Ethan hit his head pretty hard…”
Ouch. I felt sorry for him, but I didn’t feel like hearing anything else. “Ur, I’m going upstairs to do my homework.” I ran upstairs with my backpack.
In my room, I pulled out my textbooks and began my math. I chewed my pencil as I tried to figure out the questions.
As I put away my textbooks, it hit my brother’s jack o lantern ball. That’s funny, I thought. Didn’t I leave that in my locker?
I took the ball out and closely examined it. It wasn’t a perfect sphere…It was slightly fatter near the middle, kind of like Ethan. The ball was still neon green, perfectly unharmed, and it still smiled brightly.

The next day when school started, CiCi stormed into the building with an angry expression on her dainty little face. She marched over to my locker, and fiercely slapped something into my hand. “Keep it,” she growled.
I looked at what she put into my hand. It was my jack o lantern ball, still in good condition. “Uh, thanks…”
CiCi’s harsh look vanished, replaced by a sort of guilt mixed with shock. “I’m really sorry! I know I shouldn’t be so mad at you, because it’s not your fault!”
“What’s not my fault, CiCi?”
CiCi looked up at me with sadness in her eyes. “Judy, I think that jack o lantern ball is haunted.”
“Haunted? How could it be haunted?”
“The moment I took it into my home…The moment my family came into contact with it…Bad things have been happening.”
“What bad things?” Curiosity pushed me to the extreme of butting into her personal business.
CiCi cleared her throat. “So I went home, and took it out. It glowed yellow eerily at me, and I could even swear that it was saying my name! OK, enough about that. The main point is that my dad lost his job, my mom is feeling extremely sick, my hair is falling out…And I’m losing my sanity!”
I stared at her with incredulous eyes. “What? May you be so kind and slow down?”
“Okay!” CiCi sighed and continued. “At dinnertime, I showed your ball to my mom and let her hold it.”
“The moment it came into contact with her, she became drowsy and really sick. She’s been running a high fever and oh, it’s getting worse!”
“What about your father?”
“After my mom, I gave him the ball too, because he wanted to look at it. He fiddled with it for a while, and then the company he works for phoned him.”
“He got fired?”
“Worse. The company headquarters got suddenly burnt down by a mysterious fire.
“You serious?”
“Uh huh, and some of the workers claimed they saw a faint yellow glow before the fire started.”
“A faint yellow glow?”
“Yeah, and I think it was the jack o lantern ball!” CiCi’s eyes widened, tears of apprehension forming in her eyes.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Halloween Story Chapter 3


We’re? Who’s the ‘we’? Those two questions repeated themselves in my head through first and second period at school. I couldn’t even pay attention to the teacher.
“Judy? Did you hear what I just said?” Mrs. Morris-Shane beckoned at me, pursing her lips and narrowing her eyes.
“Huh? Oh, I’m sorry, ma’am.”
And the whole class snickered. My friend CiCi nudged me. “What’s with you today?” I just couldn’t tell her.
During lunch break, I went to my locker to put my books back. As I took the things out of my backpack, I gasped. Sitting snugly in my backpack’s back pocket was my – and Ethan’s – jack o lantern balls. I didn’t remember putting those in.
Was I seriously losing it? I didn’t know. I decided to just let everything go and put the balls in my locker.
“Aw, those are so cute! Did you get those on Halloween?” CiCi poked at the jack o lantern balls, gushing over them. Her light blonde hair bounced up and down.
“Uh, yeah…Sure, you could say that. The smaller one’s my brother’s, though.”
“Then why do YOU have it?”
“My brother tripped and broke his head. He’s in the hospital right now.”
“Poor Ethan.”
“I know. I feel really sad too.”
CiCi pondered over that for a few moments. Then she immediately perked up. “Can I have yours, then?”
“My what? You mean, my jack o lantern ball?”
“Yeah, I really like it.”
Why not? I thought. “Sure.”
“Thank you so much!” CiCi squealed all over the place. “I thought it would be nice if you seriously took good care of your brother’s…To show your care for Ethan…”
I raised my eyebrows at her. She just didn’t make sense sometimes. “Whatever.” I handed her my jack o lantern ball.
CiCi cradled it in her hands, looking down at it as if it was a baby. “I can’t believe you would give this up to me so easily!”
“Eh, who cares?”
CiCi was silent for a second. Then her facial expressions changed. She looked confused. “Did you just say my name?” She asked me.
“No, why?”
“I thought someone just said my name…Maybe I’m just crazy.”
“Maybe you are.”
“You’re SO nice!”
And off she went, carrying my jack o lantern ball in the side pocket of her backpack. As she disappeared around the corner, a faint neon yellow glow followed her.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Halloween Story Chapter 2

Yay, Chapter 2!

I woke up the next day feeling sleepy and full of fatigue. I looked over at my jack o lantern ball. It was still smiling at me. The smile warmed me up, and I got dressed and went downstairs.
Ethan was still cradling his jack o lantern ball like it was his most favourite thing in the world. Mom and Dad were there too, reading the newspaper and having breakfast.
My mom was a technician and my dad was a businessman. They were friendly people, with lots of friends and not so many enemies. “Good morning, Judy,” they greeted me.
“Good morning.” I yawned and sat down. “So Ethan,” I said, directing my gaze at my little brother, “You’re still loving that thing?”
Ethan frowned at me. “Well, at least I have something to do!” He stood up. “I have to use the washroom,” he told my parents.
I still remember that moment freshly. He had pushed his chair in, picked up his jack o lantern ball, turned around, and started walking in the direction of the restroom. But on his second step, he tripped over his fuzzy blue slippers, crashing onto the hard linoleum floor with a loud stentorian bang. He had hit his head hard.
“Ethan!” My parents and I stood up at the exactly same time, rushing over to him, worried sick. “Ethan, Ethan dear…Can you hear me?” My mother frantically whispered at him.
Mom felt around his head. Suddenly, her face turned white. “There’s blood!” She shrieked. “There’s blood! Henry, go call 911!”
My father reached for the phone and quickly dialled. Soon, an ambulance pulled up and took my brother away.
“Is there anything I can do?” I felt useless.
“No, Judy.” My mother’s voice was firm. “You go to school.”
“Alright, mum.” I started to leave, but I saw something that made me suddenly stopped in my tracks. Ethan’s jack o lantern ball was still on the floor. But to my amazement, there was an eerie neon yellow glow surrounding it. And the smile that was once there was replaced by an evil grin. “Ethan…Ethan…” It seemed to be chanting my brother’s name in a deep, mellow voice. I blinked and shook my head. All of a sudden, the jack o lantern ball looked normal again, completely normal and smiling…Without a glow.
I decided that it was only my imagination. Come on, Judy, I told myself. You’re hallucinating.
But as I turned away, I heard something else. It was a chanting in the same voice as before, repeating itself inside my head. I dared not to turn my head back again to check on the jack o lantern ball. I was scared out of my wits already. But I did hear the chant. The voice was now whispery and husky, quietly reciting the same thing over and over again: “Judy…You’re next. We’re going to get you…”

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Halloween Story Chapter 1

I decided to write a Halloween Story for Halloween on Oct 31.  Here's chapter 1.  The story should be finished by....Halloween or so...I dunno.

“156…157…158. 158 pieces of candy.”
“158? I only got 120!”
“Ha, ha, I got more than you did, sis!”
“Just shut up already.”
I was in my room, counting up the candy with my little brother. We had just gone trick-or-tricking to all the houses in the neighbourhood, and I got to admit, I was dead beat. I still had my Halloween witch costume on, an ugly piece of yellow worn out fabric etched unskilfully together into a dress. And of course, an equally ugly yellow witch hat, bought at the Dollar Store.
“Hey Judy, aren’t you going to eat your candy?” My chubby little nine-year-old brother Ethan beckoned at me. His blue wizard hat slipped down and covered his brown, almond-shaped eyes. “If you don’t, I’ll just take yours too!”
“Yeesh, talk about impatience.” I sat down with him and regarded our load. All sorts of different kinds of candy were laid out on the living room floorboards. Lollipops, chocolate, gummies…Every kind of candy I could imagine. “So Ethan,” I said. “What should we eat first?”
“You’re the tall fourteen-year-old skinny freak,” he rolled his eyes at me. “It’s only fair that you get to decide.”
I frowned at him. It was true that I was thin and tall, above average in height for my age, but I never like it when he says that to me. I chose to let it go and started rummaging through my bags. My hands suddenly came across something round and hard. I picked it up.
I realized that I was staring at a light green plastic jack o lantern ball. It had a black smiling face printed onto it. “Huh, that’s strange,” I said. “I don’t remember getting this.”
Ethan rummaged through his bags, and pulled out an identical ball, except smaller. “I got one too,” he mused. “Hey! Why is yours bigger than mine?”
“That’s only because I’M bigger than you, you twerp.”
“No fair!”
But we decided to just put the balls aside and find other things in our bags. Sure, they were pretty to look at, but they weren’t edible.
We ate 2 lollipops, 3 chocolate bars, and a gummy bear each. Then mom called us to bed. “It’s a school day tomorrow,” she reminded us.
I took my jack o lantern ball and placed it on my desk. There, I thought. I can always see it there…Perhaps as a memento of this Halloween.
Ethan put his on his desk too. He really liked that thing.
At 10 o clock sharp, I turned off my lights and went to bed. On my bed, the jack o lantern was still there, smiling amiably.
But then it changed. The smile changed. In my motionless sleep, the jack o lantern’s smile slowly changed into a crooked, nasty scowl.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

For Madeline

Ho hum ho.  Yesterday, my grandparents left for the States to visit my uncle/my cousin, etc.  Since they had nothing to give my nine-year-old cousin, they forced me to draw a picture for her.

I don't like drawing things for people I really don't know, but I had to anyways.  Here it is.  I took a photo of it before handing it over to Gramps and Gramma.

Definitely not my BEST work, but I guess it'll do.

I hope you like it, Madeline, if you're reading this.  And if you don't, SHAME ON YOU it's okay.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Comic Strip Number 5

 My new comic!


-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Princess and the Pea Chapter 6

I gurantee you that from now on, it won't be boring.  ;)

Chapter 6:
Princess Marilynn was in town that day. Her parents had sent her off to Daffodil Acres to congratulate Prince Samson.
Princess Marilynn felt glum. She was regretful that she had not told the truth that morning, just a week ago, about the pea. She actually liked Prince Samson, but now it was all over. He was married to another princess.
She rode in her royal carriage all the way to the Daffodil Acres castle. She looked around, and she saw Prince Samson, by himself in the royal gardens. “Stop the carriage!” She demanded. “I want to get out.”
Princess Marilynn got off and approached the prince. “Congratulations, Prince Samson,” she murmured shyly.
Prince Samson looked up. “Oh, it’s you.” He nodded his head at her.
“I heard you got married, so I came here to wish you good luck in your marriage.”
“I see. Thank you for your concern.”
Princess Marilynn looked down. “You’re welcome,” she said. And then she left, back in her carriage, off back home. She knew she could’ve stayed longer and talked more with the prince, but she didn’t know what she could’ve said. So she left.
Prince Samson watched her leave. He closed his eyes and sighed. If only, if only, he wondered. If only my mother dear would’ve let me get married to her. She seems so much more pleasant than Princess Lila, that’s for sure.
Princess ‘Lila’ was busy. She was fumbling in her room, searching the drawers for the next step. Oh come on, come on, she told herself. Hurry up and find it.
Helen was also busy. She got all the dark magic she could and conjured up an incantation to begin the plan. She muttered it to herself. There, she said. I’m ready. Now if Linda would just hurry up or she’ll be affected too.
Outside the castle, the castle guards suddenly felt funny. For some reason, they felt a strange fatigue envelope them, and one by one, they collapsed in sleep.
And that was only the beginning.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fixing My Crayon Box

Just minutes ago, I realized that my Crayola 12-Crayon Crayon kit was in horrible, horrible shape.  It was all teared, ugly, and old.  In a way, I couldn't blame it.  I had it since I was in grade 1, and back then, I used to harass it a lot.

So I decided to fix it...with Dollar-Store tape.  First, I took off the old tape my dad put on it.  Then, I ripped up some pieces of tape and started randomly putting it on places.  I taped the broken pieces back onto the box, the good pieces together too (I dunno, boredom?), etc. I think I taped it together the best I could, so I wrote "My box of MAGICAL FUN CRAYONS" on it.

Voila, art:



-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

P.S.  Note to self:  Next time, buy a new crayon box.



"Oh, darn it!"
"What the hell?"

Swearing.  What's your opinion?

People of different ethnic groups look at swearing in a different way.  Some think it's totally acceptable...while others look down at it in scorn and disdain.

Some people state that simply calling someone stupid is swearing, while others don't even grasp the concept.  Some religious people freak at you when you say "god" or use the Lord's name in vain.  (Not me though, I'm an atheist).

In the dictionary, a swear word is a word marked with the TABOO sign.  For example, bloody and uh...you get the point.  But what IS a taboo word?  A taboo word is a word that you should not say.....Then isn't every negative word out there a swear word/taboo?  Huh.

Speaking of swearing and pain, I somewhat recently saw a report online that showed that swearing is actually good for you!  They did a test with college students where they made them put their hands in freezing cold water.  The ones who were allowed to let it all out (swear) kept their hands in the water longer.  Huh.

But nobody likes to hear swear words...so just remember your surroundings when you want to squeeze in a word.  The Worst Times to Swear:

1.  At school in front of your teacher
2.  With religious people
3.  Right before midnight (just kidding)
4.  At work when you're talking to your boss

Swearing gives people the idea that you're a rude, impolite person.  Oh well.  I guess I'm one of them.  -_-

Good bye.  I swear to you that I won't ever use a horrible bad swear word in this blog ever again....depending on what you think, of course.  ^_^

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Comic Stip Number 4

School.  What do people do there?  Easy:  Learn and have fun...right?

Sure...but sometimes, if you look more deeply, there is more than meets the eye.


-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Princess and the Pea Chapter 5

Another short chapter.  I guess I'm just lazy.

Chapter 5:
“I do not even want to do this.” Prince Samson complained as he put on his royal tux.
“But you’re going to anyways, so you might as well like it.” Queen Lily closed her eyes and sighed. She’d put so much work into planning the wedding, and she was tired.
At exactly 13 hundred o’ clock, the wedding began. Linda walked down the aisle, up to Prince Samson. They said their vows, Prince Samson with a sigh, and they kissed. The minister pronounced them man and wife.
After the celebration, Linda tried talking to the prince, who ignored her. Linda sighed. She wasn’t going to get his trust, but the plan was to go on.
Linda went to her room (which was still piled with many mattresses), and took out a feather pen and notebook. She wrote down all the facts she needed, sealed it with her dark magic, and sent it to Helen by airmail…Dark Witch style.
Helen, who was sitting on a tree twenty miles from the castle, pulled back her lips into a hideous smile. She had received the notebook, and looked at Linda’s information with pleasure. Oh yes, she was ready.
And all thanks to a small little pea.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Sitcom Review: Family Guy

Everyone knows Family Guy, right?  Rated PG14, it's a sitcom of evil.

Even though I watch it often, I do not have anything positive to say about it.  Seriously.

First of all, what the heck?  All their racist and sexist slurs...why aren't they censored?  It makes me just mad.

Second of all, what the heck again?  The baby wants to kill the mother, the dog's in LOVE with the mother, the father's a freaking retard, the mother's a you-know-what, the son is an idiot, and the daughter is a social outcast that no one loves.  That also makes me mad.  It's child neglect.

Third of all, the mature content gets in the way of the "plot".  Sheesh.

Fourth of all, their voices are weird.  Eww.  Lois's voice is SO nasal, and Stewie doesn't even sound like a baby.

Fifth of all, FAMILY GUY SHOULD BE RATED R OR BE CANCELED OR SOMETHING.  Teenagers shouldn't be watching it.  It sets a bad example to everyone.  Drugs?  Alcohol?  What the beep?

General rating:  2/10

The jokes are a bit funny sometimes, but *yawn* they get boring.

Ho-hum-ho.  Don't watch Family Guy.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Sunday, October 11, 2009


It's harvest season, and the raspberries are ripe and rapidly producing. It's approaching the end of the harvest season right now, so I decided to take a few pictures.  You know, so I can remember all this.  What started out as a pathetic little plant....is now an equally pathetic bigger plant.  Joy, joy.

 Another picture:

After me, Dad, and my little sister picked them, I took more pictures.  ^_^

Awesome, huh?  This is like our, tenth plate (?).

The raspberries tasted delicious.  Yum, yum.  Sweet with a sour tang.

Just for the heck of it, I googled raspberry pictures.  Here's a good cartoon:

 -Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Madara Pic (XD)

Just for fun, I drew Madara-san.  ^_^  A bit blurry and dark, but whatever.

Ah, Tobi....  X3

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Comic Strip #3

I made this:


Click on it to see it in full view.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

Princess and the Pea Chapter 4

Ugh....so tired.

Chapter 4:
“Oh, it should be held in the royal garden!”
“No, sweet, it should be held out in front, where the world can see.”
Everyone was bustling around, planning the wedding. They were so busy and distracted that no one noticed the darkness that was slowly surrounding the castle. Helen had already started to make her move.
“You see, dear, with everyone so merry and naive planning the wedding here, no one will know what him them.” Helen clicked her fingers as she talked to Linda, who was left alone, unprotected and unwatched. “Nobody even bothered to attend to you. Such ignorance.”
“Well, I guess it’s just our luck then.”
Soon, a wedding day was set. Queen Lily looked exuberant as she described all the details to her son. “Oh, it will be so enchanting! You will never see such profusion in your life!”
Prince Samson rolled his eyes. “I don’t even care, mother. And I don’t like that girl. As innocent as she may seem, I can sense darkness wavering off of her.”
“Oh, don’t be silly. She’s a lovely girl.”
“Whatever you say, mother.”
Helen was busy herself, arranging all the evil spirits she could find, and making them ready to attack the castle. It was a tiring process, but it would all be worth it at the end. Soon, the castle and kingdom of Daffodil Acres will be hers to manipulate. Soon, they will all pay.
The wedding day arrived.