Friday, November 6, 2009

A Horrible Day

Today wasn't a good day for me at school.  Yeah, blah blah blah, I want to hear nothing of your thoughts of exiting the page on me.  Just listen.  If you seriously don't care, just grin and bear it.  Isn't that the way you should live your life?  "Yes, scary person."

I think it started at lunch time.  Everyone in my class had ordered food, which was Boston Pizza in this case.  Not only was the pizza hard, crusty, and slightly burnt, the Doritos chips were expired.  Expired chips?  Yuck.  Mine said "Best before Oct 20".  And that's like...How many days ago?  I dunno.  Quote classmate #18:  "And the bag actually says 'freshness guaranteed'!"  (BTW, I ate the chips anyways.  They didn't taste that bad.)

To tell the truth, that wasn't the first time my school served us suckish ordered food.  Last time, they served us tasteless perogies.  It tasted worse than my own cooking.  Blech.  And last last time, ho hum ho.  Very Soggy California Rolls.  Gosh, someone should file a complaint.  (All that garbage costs a lot of money, you know!)

After lunch time, we went outside to enjoy the cold breezy wind.  One of my friends, who is a grade lower than me, stole one of my classmate's sweater.  Then she started running around with it while some of that classmate of mine's friends chased her maniacally, yelling things like "Give it back!".  Fanboys.

It got kind of violent, so I decided to do the right thing and get a supervisor.  But as I ran across the cement to seek for help, I think I tripped over some fanboy's shoe or something like that.  I tried to absorb the impact in my hands and knees as I fell to the ground, silent.

Yeah.  So here I am right now, right knee still painfully bleeding under two bandages kindly provided by the school and left hand hurting badly.  I believe it's gonna leave a mark.

Who to blame, who to blame?  "Yourself, you idiot," you might be saying.  Nah, though.  I blame my classmate (the one with the sweater).  It's his fault for existing.

Trust me.  Life feels a lot better if you have something or someone to blame.  "I totally screwed my valedictorian speech!  I blame....I blame that stupid rock!"  xD.  Just an example.

OK, I hope you were able to read through that without falling asleep.  Grr...I'm still mad.  But eh, it'll pass.


-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

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