Saturday, December 12, 2009

Comic Strip Number 12

Everyday, my little sister watches Dora the Explorer.  (Doodoodoo Dora...Doodoodoodoodoo Dora...)  At first, it was okay, since Dora was my fave cartoon when I was a little twerp too.  But oh, hearing those annoying themesongs over and over and over....again EVERYDAY was bound to tick me off one day.

Yeah.  Anyways, here's a comic I made to relieve that stress.

IN YOUR FACE, BOOTS!  Dora will never truly love you!!!  MUWAHAHAHAHA!

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

BTW, you can only understand this if you know what Go, Diego, Go is.  ^_^


  1. you do know diego is her cousin right?? =.="

  2. Lol, I knew they were related in some way, of course. But there isn't any other human boy in the cartoon, so I just used Diego.


  3. Thank you. I do try to make it funny. ^_^

  4. lol i forgot how boots is ;D but its still funny

  5. lol i forgot who* boots is ;D but its still funny o.o


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