Sunday, December 6, 2009

Vociferously yours?

Vociferous.  The best word in the world of words.  Well, at least to me.

I still remember when I first decided to make a blog.  I wanted it to have a V-V kind of name that would describe me.  I wanted it to be V(something) Vicky.  So I grabbed my trusty Oxford Dictionary for Advanced Learners and started searching for V adjectives.

I found a whole darn lot of negative things.  "Volatile", "vicious," "vile"...Those words were everywhere.  Ugh, I was starting to believe that I would never find a good V word.

"Vital", "venerable", "veracious", "vivacious", and such were some good positive words I found.  Vital sounded cheesy, venerable made me sound arrogant, veracious was just stupid, and vivacious was well, me yet not so me.  Not that I could explain.

Finally, like a beautiful gift wrapped up in splendid wrapping paper with an expensive bow on top...(Sorry, Christmastime is approaching), I found vociferous.  Vociferous, vociferous, oh, how lovely it sounded to me.  And its meaning suited me too:  "expressing one's opinion in a loud, confident way".  I'm like that.  It drives people nuts and makes people mad but yeah, I'm like that.  So I confidently made myself a blog:  I started posting things, and I started to get visitors.

Recently though, I found out something:  Not all dictionaries give 'vociferous' such a positive meaning!  Some dictionaries suggest that vociferous people are loud and vehement. even says that vociferous people cry out loud noisily and are clamorous!  The nerve!

So now I'm thinking, should I have named this blog 'Vociferous Vicky'?  Should I have put "Vociferous yours, Vicky" at the end of basically all my blog entries?  Should I have listened to my most favored dictionary in the entire world without trying others?  Questions, questions, and more questions.

But I must admit, despite the negativity in the word...I am vociferous.  I am loud, vehement, and clamorous.  I do express my opinion with confidence and sureness.  But what are you going to do about it?

So I'm still going to put "Vociferously yours, Vicky" at the end of this blog entry, as well as many more that will come.  So I'm still going to stare at my blog's title with pride and happiness.  So I'm still going to run this blog as a vociferous fanatic.  HA!

Okay.  I'm done speaking.  I pledge the fifth.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.  <--(So there you have it!)


  1. Vociferous IS a good work. It's definitely big. I haven't been on this blog for much longer than one minute and seventeen seconds, but the name seems to fit.

  2. Thank you, stranger. I appreciate that.


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