Thursday, May 5, 2011

Amusing Anecdote #1

So I was in class one day when I noticed that the two people sitting around me were texting (!!!).  We were supposed to be doing our worksheets, but those two just kept on playing with their phones.  I ignored them at first, and did what I was assigned to do.

After finishing my work, I glanced surreptitiously at the girl to my left.  She had received a new text message on her BlackBerry from the girl sitting to HER left:

"haiiiiiiii what r u doing???????"

She giggled and texted back,

"im txting u"

I believe she also typed a few "lololololol"s but I'm not sure.

Her friend replied,

"hahahaha class is so boring"

The thing that puzzled me was that those girls were sitting right NEXT to each other and the teacher didn't say we couldn't talk.  In fact, there were people conversing around the classroom.  But instead, these two decided to Number 1, risk having the teacher catch them with their phones, and Number 2, waste money because texting usually isn't free.


The world just doesn't make sense nowadays.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

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