Saturday, April 9, 2011

Having a good memory does NOT mean you're a stalker.

I am blessed with a great memory capacity.  I can remember a lot of things, and I don't tend to forget information.  Even the littlest things stay with me for a very long time.

Having a good memory has its benefits.  For example, studying for tests doesn't take too much effort for me, and I can remember the names of everyone I meet.

But for some strange reason, people sometimes think I'm a stalker, since I have information about people, etc, that seem odd for me to have.  But I'm not a stalker.  People just don't remember telling me things about themselves and I can remember almost everything other people say.  One time, a friend of mine was explaining her school schedule to me.  A week later, I was talking to her again, and she said, "Gee, I forgot what my second period was for the next semester."  I looked at her curiously and replied, "You have Science."

The thing was, she stared at me as if I were crazy.  "Wow, Vicky...That's creepy...How do you know that?"  I told her about our conversation that happened a week before, but she didn't recall it at all.  0_0

Furthermore, do you guys think that knowing everyone's last name makes you a stalker?  Well, that's me, and the only reason I do know everyone's last name is through marking my classmates' papers and by hearing the attendance list every morning.  I don't remember these things purposely, but...I just do.

But honestly, I don't understand why having a good memory means you're a stalker.  It's not like I go search people up on Google or anything like that (I have a friend who actually does this, BTW).  I just hear something or see something, and it stays in my head.  Because unlike most people, I catch onto the little things too.  See?  Nothing extraordinary.

So if you feel like somebody in your life seems to be an "information stalker", stop and think.  Are you sure you didn't let something slip when talking to this person?  Because, 9/10 chances you did.  And I know this from experience.  Also, everyone should always try to remember everything that comes at them, or at least as much as they can remember.  Because who knows when those tiny pieces of info will come in handy?


-Vociferously yours, Vicky.


  1. Hi Vicky,

    My name's Tam & just came across your blog upon trying to research what is the scientific explanation for having a good memory.

    I work in a coffee shop where I see up to 700 people a day & remember 80% of customers' name's & their coffees. I freak some people out because of course no one expects me to remember but somehow I just do. I served a lady the other day who hadn't been to the shop for over a year & I still remembered her name & she couldn't believe it...I think we are truly gifted & am still curious as to the explanation of this ability.

    Any idea?

  2. Hi Tam, (I'm not signed in since Google won't let me for some reason)

    Yes. We are most definitely gifted people. ^_^

    Value this gift, and good luck on your research! I sadly cannot help you for I have no knowledge on this topic. >_< I apologize.


    Vicky L


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