Saturday, January 15, 2011

The Zodiacs Changed!

So anyways, I was having a really good morning.  I went to piano class, had an informative lesson, and came home feeling great.  Then I turned on my laptop and went to Yahoo news, and a headline nearly made me choke.

Guess what?  THE ZODIACS CHANGED!  That means that your zodiac sign could be something completely different than what you originally thought it would be.

I won't tell you my birthday, but I used to be a Taurus.  I was a happy Taurus, loving my horoscope and feeling proud to be who I was.  And now the world is telling me that I'm an ARIES?  What the heck?

See the news here:  Yahoo News

Now Scorpio is only a week long and on top of that, they've added a new zodiac!  Ophiuchus, to be exact.  (Try pronouncing it; I can't).  My head is still spinning.

For me, my personality is actually more Aries than Taurus.  I'm a self-confident, assertive character who is rather ambitious and spirited.  I like the colour red, and diamonds and rubies appeal to me more than emeralds.  But somehow, it still doesn't feel right.

My sister changed from Cancer to Gemini, my dad from Aries to Pisces...Oh my goodness.  Now, a lot of people will have to start reading a new horoscope and I bet that there will definitely be confusion.

This is going to be complicated.

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

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