Thursday, January 27, 2011

Now that French class is over

My Favourite French Class Quote:

Me:  "Pourquoi est-ce que 'bouche' est un nom féminin?"  (Why is "mouth" a feminine noun?)
Classmate:  "Parce que les filles parlent trop."  (Because girls talk too much.)

To those of you who know me personally, I guess I should apologize for constantly bombarding you guys with my favourite subject in the entire world:  FRENCH.  Le français est la meilleure!  And I'm SORRY that throughout the semester, I have loved to randomly converse with you in French.  My passion is strong, and that habit of mine is hard to break.  xD  Ah, French.  So happy I had you as a class right from the beginning of the year.

So why do I love French?  Gee, that's hard to say.  I just know that I have always enjoyed learning the language and that French will always be a great part of me.  I wouldn't be the person I am today if French wasn't taught at school.  Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais c'est vrai.

Maybe it's because I'm Canadian.  I mean, French is the other official language over here in our magnificent, beaver-loving country.  It's only natural that I'm interested in it, right?

I remember Tuesday.  It was the last day of French class for us, and I was feeling kind of low.  But everyone else was so happy.  I recall that they literally ran out of the classroom, flailing their arms and wearing huge grins on their faces.  A lot of them were screaming things like, "French is FINALLY over!"

I wasn't as high as them, however.  I had looked back at our classroom door, Room 112, and sighed.  For a brief moment, I just stood there and thought back on everything we have done in that room.  L'imparfait, les pronons, les grands personnages canadiens...Everything.  Then I had turned around and slowly walked away.

Next week will be the start of a new semester.  Which means, no more French class.  "..."  I'm pretty disappointed.

A semester without French...Now how will I survive through that?

-Vociferously yours, Vicky.


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