Saturday, November 27, 2010

I'm Back...Hi...?

Dear Your-Name-Here,

Hi.  I'm Vicky.  Remember me?  0_0  (the audience is silent)

Yeah, I haven't written/posted anything new in a very long time.  Forgive me.  I am a very busy person.  *pushes up nerdy glasses*

How's life?  Everything going well?  I hope so.  I could go on and on about the definition of 'well' and 'life' and 'hope', but you know what, you would probably fall asleep and I don't want to be responsible for damaging your computer keyboard.

Christmas is only a month away.  And then again, people were already getting excited in August.  (I saw the ads; I know).  So yeah, it's old news.  Remember to buy good gifts for everyone!  Or they'll find you.  0_0

Thanksgiving was yesterday for you American folk.  Did you enjoy your turkey dinner?  ^_^

Have a nice day.  I'll try posting more from now on after my long hiatus.


-Vociferously yours, Vicky.

P.S.  In case you didn't know what "hiatus" meant, go look it up in the dictionary!